30 Side Business Ideas in 2023 you can start easily
30 Side Business Ideas in 2023 you can start easily

Side Business: 30 Side Business Ideas in 2023 you can start easily

As we navigate through 2023, side businesses remain a popular way for individuals to supplement their income, tap into their entrepreneurial spirit, or turn a hobby into a profit-making venture. Here are 30 side business ideas that are trending this year:

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences

Offer VR tourism, educational experiences, or event simulations.

2. Personal Health Consultant

With a focus on health and well-being, offer services in nutrition, exercise planning, or mental health check-ins.

3. Eco-friendly Products

Create and sell sustainable and biodegradable products ranging from household items to clothing.

4. Remote Work Consultancy

Offer solutions to companies transitioning to remote or hybrid work structures.

5. Online Courses and Coaching

Turn your expertise into a digital course or offer coaching sessions on platforms like Teachable or Udemy.

6. Subscription Boxes

Curate niche monthly boxes – could be books, gourmet food, crafts, or eco-friendly products.

7. Upcycling Furniture

Turn old, discarded furniture into art, giving it a modern or quirky twist.

8. Digital Art Sales

Use platforms like OpenSea or Rarible to sell your digital art and NFTs.

9. Podcasting

Start a niche podcast and monetize through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or offering premium content.

10. Elderly Tech Support

Offer services that help the elderly understand and use technology more effectively.

11. Mobile Car Detailing

A service that goes to the customer’s location to clean and detail their cars.

12. Personal Shopping for the Elderly

Help seniors by doing their shopping or introducing them to online shopping platforms.

13. 3D Printing Services

From custom jewelry to home décor, offer products or printing services.

14. Urban Farming

Grow fresh produce in small urban spaces and sell to local communities.

15. Home Organization Services

Help individuals declutter and organize their homes.

16. Cultural Consultancy

Assist businesses in understanding and navigating various cultural nuances.

17. Pet Services

From pet sitting, and mobile grooming, to specialized pet food preparation.

18. Handmade Crafts

Tap into the DIY trend by making and selling crafts online via platforms like Etsy.

19. E-Book Publishing

Write on niche topics and self-publish on Amazon Kindle or other platforms.

20. Voice-over Services

Offer your voice for advertisements, animations, or video games.

21. Personal Fitness Training

Offer online or in-person sessions.

22. Meal Prep Services

Prepare and deliver weekly meals for busy professionals or those seeking healthy eating options.

23. Elderly Activity Planner

Organize activities or trips for the elderly community.

24. Renting Out Gadgets

From drones to the latest tech gadgets, offer a renting service.

25. Digital Marketing Consultancy

Offer SEO, social media, or PPC campaign services to local businesses.

26. Homemade Beauty Products

Create natural, organic beauty products and sell them online or at local markets.

27. Travel Planning

With the resurgence of travel, offer personalized travel itineraries.

28. Local Tours

Offer city tours focusing on unique experiences, history, or food.

29. Personal Branding Consultant

Assist individuals in building and maintaining a strong personal brand online.

30. Eco-friendly Consultancy

Help businesses transition to greener practices.

Remember, the success of a side business often hinges on the combination of passion, knowledge, and market demand. Always conduct thorough research and consider seeking mentorship or advice before diving into a new venture.

Benefits of a Side Business

Engaging in a side business can provide a variety of advantages, both financially and personally. Here are some of the significant benefits:

  • Additional Income Stream: One of the most obvious benefits of a side business is the extra money it can bring in. This can be used to pay off debts, save for future goals, invest, or even enjoy a better lifestyle.
  • Financial Security: Relying on a single source of income can be risky, especially in uncertain economic times. A side business acts as a financial safety net, providing an alternative income if your primary job is affected.
  • Skill Development: Running a side business can help you develop a myriad of skills, from marketing and sales to management and customer service. These skills can be beneficial in your primary job as well.
  • Creative Outlet: If your day job doesn’t tap into your creative passions, a side business can provide an avenue for you to pursue what you love and express your creativity.
  • Networking Opportunities: A side business can introduce you to a new set of contacts and expand your professional network, which can open doors to other opportunities.
  • Flexibility: Side businesses often offer more flexibility than traditional 9-5 jobs. You can set your own hours, choose your projects, and decide how much or how little you want to work.
  • Potential for Growth: What starts as a side hustle can sometimes grow into a full-fledged business. Many successful companies today started as small side projects.
  • Tax Benefits: Depending on your region and the nature of your side business, you might be eligible for certain tax deductions for business-related expenses, which can save you money.
  • Diversification: Just like diversifying investments, having multiple sources of income can protect you from financial downturns and industry-specific recessions.
  • Increased Confidence: Successfully managing a side business can boost your confidence, providing a sense of accomplishment and validation of your entrepreneurial skills.
  • Reduced Financial Stress: For many, financial concerns are a significant source of stress. The added income from a side business can alleviate some of this stress, leading to a better quality of life.
  • Learning Opportunity: If your side business fails or faces challenges, it’s a chance to learn, adapt, and grow. This resilience can be beneficial in all areas of life.

While side businesses require time, effort, and dedication, the potential rewards – both tangible and intangible – can make the endeavour worthwhile. It’s essential, however, to balance the demands of your side business with those of your primary job and other life responsibilities.

Tips for the Success of a Side Business

Launching a side business can be a fulfilling experience, but to ensure its success, it’s essential to approach it strategically and efficiently. Here are some actionable tips to consider:

  • Start with a Plan: Outline clear goals and a roadmap for your side business. This doesn’t have to be a formal business plan but should give you a clear direction.
  • Conduct Market Research: Understand your target audience, their needs, and how your product or service fits into the market. This will help you tailor your offerings and marketing strategies.
  • Manage Your Time Wisely: Time is a precious resource. Utilize tools like calendars, to-do lists, and time-tracking apps to ensure you’re spending your time productively.
  • Stay Committed: A side business requires dedication. Be prepared to make sacrifices, like spending weekends working or cutting back on leisure activities.
  • Keep Finances Separate: Open a separate bank account for your side business. This will make managing finances, taxes, and tracking profits easier.
  • Continuously Learn: Stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and technologies in your field. Consider taking online courses or attending workshops.
  • Network: Engage with other entrepreneurs and potential customers. Building relationships can lead to collaborations, partnerships, or new opportunities.
  • Seek Feedback: Regularly get feedback on your product or service and make improvements accordingly.
  • Limit Initial Expenses: Until your side business becomes profitable, try to minimize costs. Use free or affordable tools, and avoid unnecessary expenditures.
  • Stay Compliant: Understand the legal and tax obligations related to your side business. Ensure you have the necessary permits and licenses and pay taxes appropriately.
  • Maintain Work-Life Balance: While it’s essential to commit to your side business, don’t neglect your full-time job, family, or health. Set boundaries to maintain a balance.
  • Promote Effectively: Use social media, word of mouth, or local advertising to get the word out about your business. Understand where your audience spends their time and focus your marketing efforts there.
  • Deliver Quality: Whether it’s a product or service, always ensure it meets high standards. Happy customers can become repeat customers and even brand ambassadors.
  • Be Adaptable: The business landscape is dynamic. Be prepared to pivot if something isn’t working or if new opportunities arise.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: While the ultimate goal may be significant growth or substantial profit, don’t forget to acknowledge and celebrate smaller milestones along the way.
  • Stay Organized: Keep records of everything – from expenses to customer feedback. Being organized will save you time and headaches in the long run.
  • Have an Exit Strategy: Understand when and how you might either scale up your side business, integrate it with your primary career, or close it if necessary.

Remember, success doesn’t come overnight. Patience, persistence, and consistent effort are vital. By following these tips and staying attuned to the needs of the market, you can navigate the challenges of a side business and reap the rewards.

Tricks for Starting a Side Business

Starting a side business can be a thrilling yet daunting endeavor. Here are some tricks to help you get off on the right foot and set yourself up for success:

  • Test the Waters: Before fully diving in, test your idea on a small scale. It helps you gauge interest and make adjustments before investing more resources.
  • Leverage Existing Skills: Start with what you know. Using your existing skills reduces the initial learning curve and offers a unique selling proposition.
  • Automate Where Possible: Utilize tools and software that can help automate tasks like scheduling, marketing, or bookkeeping.
  • Keep Overheads Low: Utilize free or low-cost resources initially. For instance, use free versions of software, work from home, or opt for DIY marketing.
  • Bootstrap: Instead of seeking external funding, use your savings or revenue from initial sales. This keeps you in control and reduces financial pressures.
  • Use Pre-existing Platforms: Before creating a website or online store, consider selling on platforms like Etsy, Amazon, or eBay. It’s an easy way to reach an established audience.
  • Network Strategically: Connect with individuals who can offer guidance, mentorship, or partnership opportunities. Attend local business events or join online forums.
  • Offer Limited Time Discounts: Encourage early customers by offering discounts or added value for a limited time.
  • Collaborate: Partner with complementary businesses to cross-promote or bundle services/products.
  • Seek Feedback Early: Early constructive criticism is invaluable. It helps you refine your offering before scaling.
  • Prioritize Tasks: Not everything is equally important. Use the Eisenhower Box or similar techniques to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.
  • Set Clear Boundaries: Dedicate specific times or days to your side business to prevent it from interfering with your primary job or personal life.
  • Batch Tasks: Group similar tasks together. For instance, set one day for content creation, another for marketing, and another for customer service.
  • Utilize Social Media Wisely: Identify 1-2 platforms where your target audience primarily hangs out, and focus your efforts there instead of spreading too thin.
  • Offer Value First: Provide free content, advice, or samples. This can build trust and interest in your product or service.
  • Stay Updated with Trends: In the rapidly evolving business world, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies can give you an edge.
  • Set Clear Goals: Whether it’s monthly revenue targets, number of customers, or product development stages, having clear goals will guide your efforts.
  • Document Processes: As your side business grows, having documented processes will make scaling or delegating tasks easier.
  • Start Small and Scale Gradually: Instead of aiming for perfection, launch your minimum viable product (MVP) and improve based on feedback.
  • Stay Passionate and Resilient: Enthusiasm can be contagious. Your genuine passion for your side business can attract customers, partners, and even potential investors.

Starting a side business involves a learning curve, and you’re likely to face challenges. However, by utilizing these tricks and remaining adaptable, you can navigate the initial hurdles and lay a strong foundation for your entrepreneurial journey.

Risk Factors for a Side Business

While side businesses can provide numerous benefits, they are not without risks. Understanding these risks allows you to mitigate them and prepare for potential challenges. Here are some of the primary risk factors associated with starting and running a side business:

  • Financial Loss: You may invest money into your business that you don’t recoup if it doesn’t succeed.
  • Time Investment: Side businesses require significant time investment, which can be a loss if the venture fails or affects your primary job’s performance.
  • Legal and Compliance Issues: Without proper research, you might inadvertently violate local regulations, licenses, or permits required for your type of business, leading to fines or legal actions.
  • Conflict of Interest: Your side business could be seen as a conflict of interest with your primary job, mainly if they operate in similar domains.
  • Burnout: Juggling a full-time job with a side business can lead to burnout due to the demands on your time and energy.
  • Reputation Risks: If the side business does not maintain quality or faces other issues, it could harm your professional reputation.
  • Overcommitment: There’s a risk of over-promising and under-delivering if you’re unable to manage the demands of multiple commitments.
  • Intellectual Property Concerns: You might unintentionally infringe on someone else’s intellectual property or, conversely, have your ideas stolen if not adequately protected.
  • Data Security: If your side business involves handling customer data, there’s a risk of data breaches if you don’t have secure systems in place.
  • Supply Chain Risks: If you’re selling physical products, disruptions in your supply chain can pose significant challenges.
  • Market Risks: The demand for your product or service might not be as strong as anticipated, or market preferences could change rapidly.
  • Financial Mismanagement: Without proper financial planning or bookkeeping, you might face cash flow problems.
  • Dependency on a Few Clients: If your side business relies heavily on a few clients, losing one can significantly impact your revenue.
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Without proper systems and processes in place, operational inefficiencies could hinder growth and profitability.
  • Economic Fluctuations: External factors like economic downturns can affect the purchasing power of potential customers.
  • Technology Failures: Dependence on certain technologies or platforms can be a risk if they malfunction or if there are significant changes to their algorithms or policies.
  • Lack of Insurance: Failing to secure appropriate insurance can leave you exposed to liabilities.
  • Personal and Family Strain: The demands of a side business can strain personal and family relationships due to the time and energy required.
  • Lack of Adaptability: A failure to pivot or adapt to changing market conditions can jeopardize the business.
  • Cannibalization: If your side business is similar to your primary job, it might eat into your primary job’s prospects or revenues.

Awareness of these risks is the first step to mitigating them. A proactive approach, continuous learning, seeking mentorship, and regularly revisiting your business strategy can help you navigate these challenges and ensure the longevity and success of your side business.

Example of a Side Business: Custom Handmade Jewelry


Samantha, a full-time marketing executive, always had a penchant for creativity and design. During weekends and after work hours, she loved crafting unique pieces of jewelry using beads, metals, and semi-precious stones. Recognizing her knack for creating beautiful designs, her friends and family often complimented her pieces and suggested she sell them.

The Beginning:

Taking their advice to heart, Samantha started her side business by gifting her creations to friends and family and requesting their feedback. The overwhelmingly positive response prompted her to take things further.

Steps Samantha Took to Establish Her Side Business:

  • Market Research: Samantha began by attending local craft fairs, studying online jewelry platforms, and surveying potential customers to understand current trends and price points.
  • Branding: She named her brand “Sam’s Ethereal Designs” and created a logo that reflected the essence of her creations.
  • Online Presence: Samantha set up an Etsy shop and later developed a personal website showcasing her collections. She also created social media profiles on Instagram and Pinterest, where she posted pictures of her jewelry, behind-the-scenes content, and customer testimonials.
  • Pricing Strategy: She calculated her costs (materials, packaging, shipping) and added her desired profit margin to determine competitive prices.
  • Local Presence: Samantha rented stalls at local craft fairs, collaborated with local boutiques for pop-up events, and even conducted jewelry-making workshops.
  • Customer Engagement: She initiated a loyalty program and started a monthly newsletter, updating subscribers about new collections, exclusive discounts, and jewelry care tips.
  • Feedback Loop: Samantha actively sought feedback, allowing her to refine her designs and understand her audience’s preferences better.

Challenges Samantha Faced:

  • Time Management: Juggling her full-time job with her budding business was challenging. Samantha had to carve out dedicated hours for her side venture.
  • Initial Investment: While she bootstrapped most of her business, she still had to invest in quality materials, branding, and setting up her online shop.
  • Competition: The handmade jewelry market is saturated. Samantha had to consistently innovate and market her unique selling points to stand out.


Over time, with consistent efforts, Samantha’s side business gained traction. She managed to generate a steady supplementary income, expanded her product range, and even started offering customized jewelry based on customer requests. While she continues her job in marketing, “Sam’s Ethereal Designs” has become a recognized local brand, and she cherishes the satisfaction of running her own successful side business.

A Chart Table, How You Maintain Your Side Business

Here’s a chart table that can help you maintain and monitor your side business effectively:

Task/Activity Frequency Details/Notes Status Responsible
Inventory Check Monthly Ensure adequate stock [Your Name]
Financial Accounting Weekly Update expenses & revenue [Your Name]
Marketing Activities Weekly Posts, ads, campaigns [Your Name]
Customer Feedback As received Monitor and act upon it [Your Name]
Website Maintenance Monthly Update content, offers [Your Name]
Product Development Quarterly Innovate or upgrade [Your Name]
Networking Monthly Attend events or webinars [Your Name]
Supplier Communication Monthly Discuss supplies, prices [Your Name]
Tax & Legal Annually Ensure compliance [Your Name]
Sales Analysis Monthly Analyze bestsellers [Your Name]
Customer Support Daily Respond to queries [Your Name]
Order Processing Daily Ensure timely delivery [Your Name]
Market Research Quarterly Stay updated on trends [Your Name]



  • Frequency: How often the task should be done.
  • Details/Notes: Brief about what the task entails.
  • Status: Completed, Ongoing, or Pending.
  • Responsible: Who is responsible for the task (ideal if you have partners or employees).

This chart can be adapted to your specific side business needs. It’s also beneficial to use a digital tool or software to automate reminders for these tasks. Regularly updating this chart will help you stay on top of your side business operations and ensure smooth functioning.

30 Side Business Ideas in 2023 you can start easily
30 Side Business Ideas in 2023 you can start easily

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Side Business

What is a side business?

A side business, often called a “side hustle,” is a venture one undertakes in addition to their primary job to earn extra income, explore a passion, or test a business idea.

Do I need to register my side business?

It depends on your location and the nature of the business. Some jurisdictions require any form of business to be registered, while others might have exemptions for small or home-based businesses.

Can I run a side business while being employed full-time?

Yes, many people run side businesses while employed. However, ensure that your side business doesn’t conflict with your employment terms or compete with your employer’s business.

How much time should I dedicate to my side business?

This varies based on the nature of the business and individual goals. Some side businesses require only a few hours a week, while others might demand more time.

What if my side business starts earning more than my primary job?

Congratulations! You can consider transitioning it into a full-time business or continue balancing both, depending on your passion, financial goals, and risk appetite.

Do I need a separate bank account for my side business?

While not always mandatory, having a separate bank account simplifies financial tracking, tax calculations, and gives a professional appearance to clients or customers.

How do I market my side business with a limited budget?

Utilize cost-effective marketing strategies like word-of-mouth, social media marketing, collaborations, and organic online content.

Is it necessary to get insurance for my side business?

Depending on the nature of your business, having insurance can protect you from potential liabilities. It’s wise to consult with an insurance expert about your specific needs.

How do I handle taxes for my side business?

Income from a side business is usually taxable. It’s crucial to maintain clear financial records and consult with a tax professional to understand your obligations.

What’s the difference between a side business and a hobby?

A side business is primarily started with the intention of earning profit, while a hobby is an activity done for leisure or pleasure. However, certain tax jurisdictions might have specific definitions and tax implications for each.

How do I manage burnout when juggling a job and a side business?

Setting clear boundaries, time management, delegating tasks, and ensuring you take breaks and self-care are essential strategies to manage burnout.

Can I hire employees for my side business?

Yes, if the scale of operations requires it and you can afford to, hiring employees or freelancers can be beneficial.

What if my side business fails?

Failure is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. It provides valuable lessons that can be applied in future ventures or other areas of life.

Starting and running a side business comes with its set of challenges, but with the right mindset, dedication, and resources, it can be a rewarding experience. Always seek advice and continuously educate yourself to ensure the success and growth of your venture.


In the ever-evolving landscape of 2023, side businesses have become more than just a means to earn extra cash. They represent innovation, adaptability, and the spirit of entrepreneurship that continues to drive our economy forward. With technological advancements, increasing digital interconnectedness, and a shifting work culture, opportunities for side businesses have proliferated.

The 30 side business ideas we explored encompass a range of industries, capital requirements, and skill sets, showcasing the vast array of possibilities available. Whether it’s capitalizing on digital trends like virtual consulting, exploring sustainable ventures, or leveraging traditional crafts in new ways, there’s something for everyone.

However, From side hustle to small business embarking on a side business is not without challenges. It demands dedication, strategic planning, and often, a leap of faith. Balancing a side venture with other life responsibilities can be daunting, but the rewards – both financial and personal – can be significant.

In an age marked by unpredictability and rapid change, side businesses not only offer financial security but also allow individuals to diversify their skills, test innovative ideas, and even contribute positively to their communities. As we move further into the decade, these ventures will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the entrepreneurial landscape, fostering creativity, and driving economic growth.