Specific Goals to Improve Business Success

Specific business goals

What single change can you make to increase your performance significantly? Learn about specific business goals setting and using different goals throughout your career.

Curriculum for Business Success

What single change can you make to increase your performance significantly? Learn about goal setting and use specific goals throughout your business plan. Goals need to be specific if we are to have any chance of achieving them. Setting specific business goals allows us to succeed rather than fail.

Setting specific goals

A success goal is a specific goal, a goal that includes an action plan that describes how you will achieve the goal and a success measure that tells you whether you have succeeded or not.

it is the goal formula to ensure you are setting a specific goal:

“I will (goal + success) BY (certain actions). “

The goal of success in the goal is often dated for a long time. Still, you can use any objective criteria to determine if you have achieved the specific goal you have set for yourself.

Let’s say your goal is to lose weight. Examples of specific goals to help you achieve this goal are:

“I will lose 10$ in two months by running on a treadmill for half an hour six days a week.”

specific business goals

Setting specific business goals

Before you can set specific goals for your business, you need to know what you mean by success. Success means enjoying what you do, to the extent that your work empowers you and creates happiness that spills over into your private life. But what does “increased business success” mean to you?

Maybe start a home-based business to improve work-life balance and have more time to spend with your family or have more energy to handle many of your tasks. Will it become more professional and develop more confidence so you can sell your product or service better or try something new? Or is it to make your business environmentally friendly or to improve service to your customers?

Examples of specific goals for success

Depending on the purpose of the goal setting, you may decide to set specific goals such as:

To improve work-life balance: “After one month, I will spend whole weekends with my family by reorganizing my work schedule and learning how to assign.”

To get a small business loan to start your business: “I will develop enough confidence to present my business plan to the bank by completing probably all the tasks in the business succession plan.”

To promote your business actively: “I will implement some inexpensive ways to promote my business, including creating a social media plan.”

To improve the performance of small businesses (and make more money): “I will reduce my transaction costs by 10% this quarter.”

Goal setting tips

Business success is not just a matter of a healthy bank account; think about what you want to achieve, no matter how absurd it may seem at first thought, and set your specific goals accordingly. (Think, for example, of Elon Musk and his goal of establishing a human settlement on Mars. It may seem absurd now, but he has set goals and is working towards them.) Writing down a vision will help you build yourself up in the long run. . Term

The goal does not have to be to sweep to be valuable; small goals are worth working on because they can lead to big changes. For example, “In a month’s, I’ll work three hours less a week by getting better organized” is a perfectly acceptable specific goal.

Use this same specific goal formula throughout your business plan, and you will quickly see an increase in the number of goals you achieve – and more results!

Homework assignments

Practice setting specific goals by determining how you want your work schedule to change in one month.

Look back at your weekly activity record from week 1 and evaluate your work schedule. Are there activities that you feel you are spending too much time on or not there because you did not have time to do them? These are important clues to possible changes you may want to make to improve your business performance.

Think about what business success means to you and what you hope to achieve in four weeks from now. Then write two specific goals, following the formula outlined above, starting with, “In one month I will …”

You can create more than two goals if you wish, but if you do, select only two of the specific goals you have set to focus on over the next four weeks. Too many goals become disruptive.