improve b2b sales
improve b2b sales

B2b sales: Five tips to improve b2b sales

Unlike B2C, B2B sales are more laborious, often take longer to materialize and have a high exchange of information. Also:

  • The product or service must focus on an exact need, sometimes highly specialized.
  • Consumers are well informed about what is being sold, making them more demanding.
  • The purchase process is rational, with little room to manage the emotions.
  • The volume of customers is generally much lower than when dealing with an end consumer.

Five tips to improve B2B sales

Next, we will present five tips that will adapt to your business strategy, improve the focus on your audiences’ needs and increase sales.

 Recognize and keep an eye on your quality contacts.

In B2B sales, not all the contacts you get will likely be clients in the future. It is essential to review the different leads to detect the decision-makers. It is also important to note that not every decision-maker will be involved in the entire sales funnel process. The first approach may have to be made with a mid-level employee, but the actual buyer is probably someone higher up in the hierarchy who also needs to be considered.

To start categorizing contacts into different characteristics and separating them into the various stages of the life cycle in which they have their role, it is essential to work with a CRM system. These are very important for organization and classification, a point in favour of success.

By dumping all the data into the HubSpot system, for example, you will be able to carry out various actions such as assigning managers to each lead or labelling each person by the stage of the sales process in which their company is. A perfect point of this system is that it has a unified basis for the marketing and sales area, which will eliminate many communication problems of alignment between both works.

 Consider inbound marketing

The inbound philosophy is characterized by determining segments within the market and reaching them through helpful content at the right time. Tools of this methodology are corporate blogs, social media strategies and SEO on each page of your website. What is pessimistic about traditional communication, such as advertising? That we are no longer interested, or we avoid it. Through posts adjusted to the needs of your audience, you will be relevant, and you will be able to generate a top-of-mind related to everything you offer and solutions to those people.

There are many ways to do it; the blog is one of them. To manage it correctly, you must hire a quality CMS system.

Delight your customers

One of the most shocking truths about sales is that a loyal customer is worth double. Going to the numbers, the effort to reach a new consumer is more significant than the retention of those we already have, and the latter consume 31% more. Even a satisfied person is likely to become an “evangelizer” of your brand and recommend it to their friends and colleagues, attracting new prospects.

Attention is one of the central aspects to consider when working on customer loyalty. Without a friendly and close service, it is unlikely that a person will be at ease. It is essential to consider the ways of communicating, the means, the frequency and the assistance in the event of problems or doubts with the product or service provided.

Don’t forget the results.

It would help if you focused on selling results. Nobody cares about the work one can do if it does not generate success in evolution. It’s often easy to mistake a fantastic strategy or great sales pitch for what matters. One B2B company offers another the positive consequence of the hire, not simply a product or service.

It is called a value proposition. You must detect and add it to your offer and sales pitch to engage with prospects. Your results must be tangible and defined; generalizations do not work. You must have success stories to share with people, applying them to your proposal and your website.

B2b sales
B2b sales

 Use metrics

A large portion of a salesperson’s job is based on correctly allocating attention. May not make a sale if a collaborator focuses efforts on the wrong lead. Central to this is a CRM system, which we discussed above, and an analysis of daily tasks using metrics. Some indicators to pay attention to are:

  • Average tickets: how much does a particular consumer spend on average? You are probably more valuable to our company if you spend more than someone else.
  • Cost per customer acquisition (CAC): how much does it cost to reach a given lead? At this point, it is necessary to analyze whether the effort is worthwhile or whether it is more beneficial to seduce a company that has already hired us.
  • Churn: How many customers entered and how many left? This aspect is essential to analyze the teams’ performance and detect points to improve within the company.