Sales pages: key element sell on the Internet?

Sales pages

In this guide, you will learn about sales pages, their importance, key elements, and how to write your page to sell. You are in a competitive environment. More and more companies and freelancers are offering the same as you. Your mission is to differentiate yourself from the competition and attract your potential customer to buy from you.

And how do you get that potential customer to buy from you?

With your sales pages;

In it, you will show your potential client that your product or service will solve their problem.

And a difficult but important task for your business is to write a page that manages to sell your product or service.

That is why you need to show the benefits and solutions it will bring to the potential client in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

You need this message to reach your client.

To achieve this, you have to invest time and effort in writing a sales letter that differentiates you, attracts your ideal client, and shows them that you have the solution to their problem.

So that they buy your product or service;

Creating a sales pages that sells is a key task for your business that you will have to dedicate time to.

In this post, you will see 4 key points to create yours.

. What is it?

. How to create it?

. Examples to inspire us;

. What not to do in it.

Sales pages

What are sales pages?

Sales pages is a page within your website that is created solely and exclusively to sell your product or service.

No menus, no distractions, just focused on making your customer see that your product is the solution to their problems.

You will know that your pages to sell is good when it manages to generate sales since that is its only mission.

These types of pages have longer copywriting, several titles and subtitles, frequently asked questions, etc., in addition to one or more purchase buttons.

Why are the sales pages important?

Now I am going to tell you why it is important to your business.

Every business is based on selling, be it a product, a service, a subscription, etc.

You need to sell that your client knows you and buys you because you have the solution to their problem and lays the importance of the sale page.

That is where to show your potential client that your product or service will be the one that will solve the problem or cover the need they have.

That is why it is an important element when it comes to selling on the Internet.

It is not usual for your clients to know you and buy from you; they usually need a little support and convincing to know that you are the best option.

A page to sell is the place to talk advantages and benefits of your product or service, as well as the problem you solve.

It gives you space to connect with your client through stories.

And we can’t forget that it allows you to address objections in advance, show social proof and testimonials from satisfied former clients to build trust.

All this while you tell him to buy;

So if you want to sell something online on your website, you have to have a page that converts your visitors and readers into customers.

How can you create a sales page that sells?

In other words, what elements are important, and what is each one for?

Let’s start with the different elements that you can use in your sales letter.

The text or copywriting

Content is the most important thing on a page focused on selling your product, the one that you should give more prominence to, and the only one that does or does have to be there.

It is with this text that you will be able to sell your product or service and with which you will show your potential client everything you can do for him.

That is why the text is the king of a page to sell your product or service.

The video

Video is an interesting element for certain occasions.

For example, when you want to sell software and show your potential customer how it works on the inside, a video is really powerful.

Suppose the product or service you sell is very complex and difficult to explain in text. In that case, a video can bring clarity to your client and complement the copywriting.

You can also use it for customer testimonials.

The images

Images are content that should complement the text.

It is content that you can take into account to show statistics, graphs, or a screenshot.

The image you use has to reinforce the text.

Never try to use an image to replace the text on your sales page.


GIFs are relatively new content that is halfway between video and image.

And that works well in certain cases.

You can use it to show a short process that with an image would be short, and with a video, it would be unnecessary.

Also, keep in mind that a GIF is much lighter than a video, so your page will be lighter and SEO- friendly.

It is even more important in the mobile version.


Audio is something that you don’t usually see on sales pages, but it can be very useful on certain occasions.

An interesting way to use audio is for your client to hear testimonials.

As it is not very common, you can differentiate yourself from the competition by introducing new elements in audio.

Of course, what has to be clear to you is that the base element, the most important and all your effort has to fall and the importance of selling, is in copywriting.

All other elements complement.

Now I will tell you about the elements of a sales page, and I will share an order in which you can be inspired to organize all those elements.

You can vary the order or not use them all, and in the examples, you will see that there is no single formula, but it is better to start from a base structure and then change it.

Key elements of our sales page and what to use each one for

I usually use this structure with the pages I make for my clients, and it can serve as inspiration for yours.

. Qualification

. Subtitle

. Storytelling

. Profits

. Testimonials (Optional)

. Call to action

. FAQs

. Call to action

. Testimonials

. Summary of benefits

. Call to action

And now I will show you what each item is for.


The title of your page has a single mission, and it is not to show the potential client all the benefits that your product or service has.

With your sales page title, you have to get the reader’s attention and keep them reading.

Every time you will see more and more headlines full of impossible promises … or at least improbable.

But what it does is put your client on alert.

Instead, appeal to your reader’s curiosity with your sales page title.

For example … “Learn to sell on the internet and live from your digital business, is it possible?” or “Sell and be honest; I teach you to use ethics and at the same time make money online.”

Another example: “Do you want to work in an office all your life without being motivated, or do you prefer to live off your passion and work as an online store developer?”

These are titles that I have invented and that appeal to the reader’s curiosity.

You can take them as examples.

The reader will continue reading if they are curious; they will need to know what will happen next.

You have gotten what you wanted, retain, and get their attention.

Keep reading.


The caption is the next most important element on the sales page.

And like the first, it serves to attract and retain attention and keep reading.

Because let’s remember that if the potential customer continues reading, they are more likely to buy from you.

So here you don’t have to try to talk about all the benefits of your product or service either.

You have to get him to stay there, reading your sales letter.

Then you will have the opportunity to talk about the benefits and what your product can do for him.

So what should you do at this point?

It is a good time for you to get him to imagine what we will tell him during the sales page and that he wants to continue and not run away.

Continuing with the example from before

A good subtitle could be something like:

“Here I am going to show you the method that I use, and that few know, to leave my boring and demotivating job and start living motivated and full of energy developing online stores.

Mind you, every word I tell you here is worth its weight in gold.

The method that I will reveal to you has helped me and has helped many others achieve it. And it can do the same for you. ”

I promise you something realistic, something that can be achieved.

And when the prospect reads it, they can imagine it, dream about it, and be curious to know more.

And that’s when you get them to keep reading your sales page.


And here is the third part of your sales letter.

The part of the story;

Does it sound like you’ve heard about the power of stories, of storytelling?

Well, that’s how it is.

Human beings like stories, tales, anecdotes…

And it is what most hooks us.

It is perfect since it remembers that what you want is for your client to read the most of your sales page, since the more they read, the more chances you have that they buy from you.

And you get him to imagine in his mind what you want.

With a good story, you will be able to awaken emotions in your potential client.

And your customer, like all human beings, buys for emotions.

There is the power of the stories but beware; of the stories that support the philosophy and the brand’s objective.

And although I would need another whole post to show you how to write a good story, I can tell you some things to keep in mind.

The first thing is to be aware of what you are selling and to whom you are selling.

Learning how to create your buyer persona and knowing who you are talking to while writing is a key task.

Put yourself in the shoes of your client, be aware of their problems.

And once you know their problem, draw in their mind, with your words, how your product or service can solve them.

For example, if you sell public speaking courses, tell the story of when you had to give a talk at your school’s end-of-year ceremony, you went blank. The person you liked gave you encouragement with their eyes.

If you are a coach and sell a self-improvement workshop, tell the story of a brother who betrays the other and how the betrayed brother suffers until he finds, in a self-improvement workshop, how to overcome the trauma and change his life.

Do you see where I’m going?

Think about the emotion you want to generate and tell a story that succeeds.


It is the section of your sales page where you can put all the benefits of your product.

Be careful, benefits and not features.

Do not approach your copywriting as an enumeration of functionalities.

Approach it from the perspective of your product’s benefits to your potential customer, what problems it solves, what pain it relieves, and so on.

And how can you do it?

Here the key is to divide the benefits of your product or services into small sections that make the reader understand what you are giving them. In the end, they want to buy your product or service.

You do not have to extend yourself much in each one.

And there is no minimum or maximum benefits.

Your client reads but only reads what interests him, what entertains him.

So that’s your job.

Get the benefits you write on your sales page to interest the customer so that they continue reading.

Let’s take the example of an online course…

It could go something like this: “How will analyzing the competition help you sell more? I’ll explain it to you with real examples from my clients” or “You will see the simplest and most proven way to make your buyer persona practically, understand your client and be able to sell to them more effectively.”

If you look here, what I do is show the client what they will learn, but not as a characteristic of the product, but by showing them the advantage, the benefit of highlighting their pain points, and how my product solves it.

It could put “You will learn to analyze the competition” or “You will know how to create your buyer persona.”

But it’s not the same, do you see?

Therefore, on your sales page, focus on benefits, on showing the problems that you solve or the needs that you cover to your client, and not on listing the characteristics that your product or service has;

The benefits make you feel, produce emotions, the characteristics … boring.

Features are like the shopping list; we read it and then forget it.

On the other hand, if you get the customer to imagine what their life would be like with that problem solved and associate that solution with your product, you will be closer to selling.

And that is the purpose of your sales letter.

Testimonials and/or social proof (optional)

Here are two kinds of content, testimonials, and social proof.

Testimonials on sales pages are what your customers say about you and their experience with your product or service.

Social proof is all company logos and other elements that can give you credibility.

They can be media in which you have appeared, important clients with whom you work, who only put their logo, etc.

In any case, this part is optional on your page to sell.

You cannot put the testimonies here and put them only in the next section that I indicate for it.

Or do not put them if you do not have them; they are not essential.

Of course, if you don’t have real testimonials, don’t make them up.

Testimonials are being abused more and more, and anyone can invent them, so they are not decisive for sale. If you invent them, you can lose credibility.

Video testimonials work in certain cases, such as high-priced products or services, where you have to generate great confidence in your buyer.

In this case, the user likes to see the experience of other customers, as we will see in the examples.

You have to keep in mind that if you put testimonials on your page to sell, it has to be in a strategic way.

Everything on your sales page has to have a reason; everything has to be part of a strategy.

If you put it, make that testimony show a benefit, a problem solved or a need covered.

In this way, your potential client will feel more identified.

For example: “Friendly and close treatment. After the course I learned to sell”.

That doesn’t show anything that the prospect can relate to.

Instead of the message is:

“He couldn’t sell; no matter how hard he tried all the infallible techniques of the best gurus, he couldn’t.

I discovered how to define my buyer persona, know who I was selling to, who I was talking to. Everything in a simple way, I started talking directly to my client and selling my product in a way that I never imagined. ”

That testimonial is much more effective; it can make your potential client feel identified and understand that your product can help them just as before you helped others with their problem.

Yes, this testimonial on your sales pages helps the sales.

On the other hand, in this first section of testimonials, I recommend you put one or two.

Later you will have another section to put more testimonials.

Right before the first call to action, which follows, a powerful testimonial, showing a real case, a benefit that the customer can relate to can help you convert;

It is not determinative, but it can help you sell on this first call to action.

Call to action

It is the first call to action on our sales pages.

Here I will explain everything that I consider important. Then you will only have to replicate it in the following call-to-action sections.

It is simple.

This section is where you ask your customer to buy from you using a button.

It is a very important section of the sales pages, and it is where your client has to take action and give you their money in exchange for your product or service.

A large button with a clear call to action is sufficient.

You can also specify if your payment is secure and if you have a money-back guarantee, for example.

You can also put the logos of the cards or the typical padlock.

It provides security.

And if there is no fixed price, if you do not sell a product, but a service, the call to action may fill out a form.

The important thing about the button is not so much the color or the size but that it looks good, that it differs from the background color of the sales pages, and that it is clear what that button is for.

FAQs or frequently asked questions

This section of frequently asked questions offers sales pages many possibilities.

Here you can anticipate your potential client’s objections or questions about your product or service and resolve them.

It is always better that you solve it than that it remains with the doubt; the doubt is the enemy of the sale.

Therefore, your task is to anticipate what the client may want to know, and it is not clear.

Or turn a disadvantage into an advantage.

I explain.

For example, if you sell an online course and do not offer support, it is better to specify it and explain it.

At that moment, it ceases to be an unresolved question of the client and becomes something that it is clear that you do not offer.

You anticipate their doubt or objection.

Think about what doubts your buyer persona will have what objections will arise and take advantage of this section to solve them and use them in your favor.

And all those doubts or objections that you are going to resolve to focus them on the sale.

Reinforce the idea that your product or service solves the problem or covers the need of your potential client.

Work on these frequently asked questions very well, as they are a key element of your sales page.

If it has not converted in the first call to action, you can make it buy in the next call to action with this well-worked section.

Call to action

Let’s go with the second call to action.

I explained that our sell page’s first call to action applies to this second and third.

But let me remind you that if, for example, for your first call to action you have chosen the color red and of a certain size, now you must do it the same.

Do not now put a button of another color and with another message.

Doing so will add unity to your sales letter.

Testimonials and social proof

And this section I have also explained to you before, and you can replicate it here.

One thing is different.

Before I recommended you not to put more than one or two testimonials;

The testimonials section above was simply reinforcement before the first call to action.

If you want your sales page to have 10 videos of clients telling their experience, now is the time.

The client has come this far, has gone through 8 sections, and has not bought.

Here you have to increase their confidence in you and that your product is the solution to their problems.

Some real testimonials can help you a lot, and you remember that it is not decisive if you do not have them.

With these testimonials, you can get him to trust you and want to buy from you on the principle of social proof.

You may think:

“If others trust them and are satisfied if I trust them, I will also be satisfied.”

Remember, all with strategy.

Do not put testimonials to put.

Don’t use anything on your sales page that doesn’t have a goal.

If the testimonials you have do not help you sell, do not put them.

If they are not credible, do not put them.

If they are boring, don’t put them on.

You have to ensure that they like them and awaken emotion in your potential client if you use them.

This way you will be able to sell.

Summary of important benefits

This section is usually very short and acts as reinforcement before the next and final call to action.

It summarizes the important benefits you have been telling the potential buyer throughout the sales pages.

It affects what your product or service can do for him.

Remind him of what is best for you to remember before deciding whether or not to buy.

In this way, you will reinforce their desire to buy before moving on to the last point, the last call to action.

Call to action

And now we go to the last important section of your sales pages.

The last call to action

is where your indecisive potential customer has to decide who has not yet bought.

It is the last point where you decide whether to buy or not to buy.

If you have done the above work well, he will buy.

If you have worked the previous 10 points well, he feels that he needs that your product covers and you have made him see it, he will buy.

There are always things to improve. Do not forget that your page to sell your product or service is constantly evolving and improving.

So test, put into practice, measure the results and improve your sales pages until your sales letter sells your product or service.

Examples of sales pages to inspire us

Now I’m going to show you some examples of sales pages that can help you see how other businesses sell their products or services.

And with which you can be inspired.

There is no fixed rule, and the scheme that I propose is one of the many that you can find in the market.

Here you will realize that each one uses and distributes the elements as they see fit.

You will also see that the elements are common.

Usually, the elements are repeated.

Your sales pages is yours, and you will decide how to structure it and what elements you will use in it.


How you have been able to see a sale page is key to your business.

It is necessary to sales pages, sell on the Internet, and you must invest in having the best possible version.

In this article, I wanted to show an extensive and complete guide on writing sales pages for your business: what they are, their importance, the key elements it can have, and clear examples of good sales pages