Are you a good leader?

What makes you a good leader

Although it is traditional to speak of managers or supervisors in the workplace, the world leader’s use has also increased. In English, it is common to refer to managers as leaders and talk about “leadership.” It is debatable whether a manager needs what makes you a good leader. Some even feel that it is causing pressure, but it may be because we are not yet used to the world leader, and we think that it only applies to those in the lead. We find it appropriate to use the word leader, which covers both those who hold managerial positions and those who lead teams or projects without being in management positions.  


This section contains articles on teleworking and teleconferencing. It discusses the managers of teleworking teams, how people can be mobilized at teleconferences and whether teleconferences are energy-sucking.

Here on the web, you can also find an article about the management of new teleworkers, a discussion about homework during epidemiology, links to additional material about teleworking, and a discussion about what it is like to return to the workplace after working at home for a long time.

Managers of remote teams

Remote teamwork calls for new challenges for managers. Employees in uncertain situations need to be supported and activated during remote work so that daily activities can be kept going.  

Management’s role is to be there for employees, solve problems that arise, and maintain positive and constructive communication.

10 tips for remote team managers:

. Start and end the day communicating with staff

. Build a work plan for each day and the week as a whole in collaboration with the team

. Be present for staff, have regular one-on-one and team talks

. Assist staff in leveraging technology for meetings and communication

. Inform about the status of projects and help staff prioritize projects

Encourage staff to learn new things and strengthen themselves, professionally and personally

. Demonstrate an understanding of the different situations of the team, especially those who may be isolated and lonely

Provide support to staff and help them stay calm, increase well-being and improve their health

Keep the fun and humor – and make sure the team does the same

. Be a leader and have a positive and positive influence on others.

what makes you a good leader

Activating people in teleconferencing

In recent weeks, many people have been to more teleconferences than in a few years before. Some are even attending their first teleconferences at the moment. We know that these meetings are different from traditional meetings and are not suitable for the subject. Information meetings, lectures, and staff meetings are often well-suited for teleconferencing. Still, it can be a bit more complicated to keep quiet when it comes to work or idea meetings. Employees usually receive additional information and feedback through eye contact, gestures, and other unspoken input in the meeting room. Of course, we will find ways and gain training in teleconferencing as usual. Indeed, many will use this technology to a greater extent in the future.

In an article on how to get employees to participate more in teleconferencing and stay focused. It is often challenging to remain attentive in meetings. Still, the situation does not improve when people are not in the same room. It is therefore essential to get employees to participate more actively by allowing them to do so.

There are roughly four reasons to hold a meeting; to influence others, make decisions, solve problems, and strengthen relationships. These are active processes, and it is therefore essential that all participants are included in the notes.

The authors of the article have researched to try to understand why many people get bored at teleconferencing. They say they have been attempting five rules that seem to increase people’s activity towards what happens in face-to-face meetings.

The sixty-second rule:

Do not try to get a group to solve a problem until it has “felt” it. Do something in the first minute of the meeting to help people experience the pain. Striking statistics, examples, parallels, or complaints can be reported in connection with the case. The goal is to ensure that the group understands the problem (or opportunity) before solving it.

The principle of liability:

People put themselves in a specific role in all social situations. It is, for example, in the role of a spectator in a cinema and a perpetrator in a gym. The problem with teleconferencing is that participants involuntarily take on the spectator as soon as the meeting’s invitation arrives. To counteract this, we need to create opportunities to take responsibility that matter. This is best done using the following rule.    

“Nowhere to hide” rule:

Research has shown that we are less likely to offer to help a person who seems to be having a heart attack on the subway, the more people on the train. There must be a dilution of responsibility – if everyone is responsible, no one will feel accountable. Try to avoid this in teleconferencing by giving everyone tasks they can work on at the meeting. In some teleconferencing systems, the conference can be broken down into smaller units that can work together for a few minutes and deliver results in the chatbox.

The rule of as few slides as possible:

Nothing disconnects a group as much as attacking it with slide after slide of information. Then it does not matter how innovative or sophisticated the group is. If the intention is to arouse interest, facts and stories must be mixed. Therefore, it is advisable to have as few slides as possible to educate and encourage the group. Another advantage of reducing the number of slides is that more time is given to discussions.

The five-minute rule:

Never let five minutes pass without the group being given a task to solve. Participants are widely distributed with their environmental disturbances. It can be tempting to take on the spectator’s role if there is no active communication or is expected to participate in the meeting. For example, the group can conclude a session by creating a list of “next steps” that can be voted on.

The authors say that these rules should work regardless of the form of meetings. They are even more critical. Today when people are away from the workplace, and many things can interfere with concentration.

Are Zoom meetings energy-sucking?

A new article in BBC Work-life discusses that teleconferencing has enabled many people to work from home and help us stay in touch with other people. But some will be driven out after work by teleconferencing, and sometimes meetings with family and friends will be added. Most people are familiar with frozen screens, strange echoes, and 12 staring faces.

Are teleconferences more complex than formal meetings, and what is different?

Focusing on video conferencing requires more than face-to-face meetings. We need to do more to digest unspoken clues, such as facial expressions, pitch, and body language. Attendees are together in spirit, but the body is of a different opinion. This inconsistency is very demanding and cannot be relaxed in the conversation.

Silence is another problem in teleconferencing that does not interfere as much in traditional conversations. They are uncomfortable, and people are starting to worry about technical issues. Sometimes there is an unavoidable delay in video conferencing. Still, research has shown that a delay can make the speaker seem less friendly or focused.

Many teachers at university say we are very aware that we are being watched in video conferences. Everyone is watching you, and you are on the field, so you feel the stressful pressure that comes with it. It is also challenging for people not to look at their faces when they can see them on the screen and not observe their movements in front of the camera.   

What effect does the current situation have?

Current circumstances affect how we feel and also the feeling that we are being pushed into teleconferencing. The meetings remind us of the colleagues we have temporarily lost and that we should all be together in the workplace. And we are all exhausted, both introverts and extroverts.

For example, aspects of our previously separate lives but now take place in the same space – work and communication with family and friends. The boundaries between our social roles that were previously associated with different situations become blurred. This can lead to negative emotions.

 The lack of downtime after we finish work and homework can be another factor in our tiredness. Some also make greater demands on themselves and work too much because they are worried about their finances and job losses.

But what about teleconferencing with friends, should they not be relaxing?

Many of us are taking group chats online for the first time. It matters most if you are participating with interest or do not know anything other than joining and considering it an obligation. A good chat with friends where you can be yourself is not as tiring as other teleconferences.

Significant conference calls can be particularly challenging. People want to watch TV because it can make your mind wander, but big teleconferencing is like you are watching TV and the TV is watching you. Large meetings can also reduce everyone’s essential because they are used at work; we do not feel like we are on holiday – “happy hour” with co-workers looks like a work meeting.

How can teleconference fatigue be reduced?

 Experts suggest limiting teleconferencing as much as possible. There should be a choice not to be in the picture. In general, there should be a greater understanding that cameras do not have to be running throughout the meeting. Also, having the screen sideways rather than directly in front of you, especially during group meetings, may reduce fatigue and concentration.

Teleconferencing is not always the best way. Sometimes it is better to share documents with clear dots to reduce the flood of information.

It helps to break between meetings to put you in a position for the next meeting and refresh yourself; stretch, reach for water and move a little. It is also a good idea to set aside time for meetings to discuss well-being in general. It is a way to reconnect with the outside world, maintain trust, and reduce fatigue and anxiety.

The line is laid for telework.

Many companies have compiled guidelines for teleworking for managers and team managers, considering a change in work arrangements. Technology does not seem to be a significant obstacle. Still, data security needs to be considered, and guidelines need to be provided to everyone on communication structure. The most important task is for managers and employees to find the rhythm to go as smoothly as possible in these situations.   

 Compiled information for its management on several issues that should be borne in mind in these circumstances, as well as guidelines on connections and teleconferencing, it states, among other things, that it can be challenging to manage many employees remotely and that this puts a different strain on managers than usual. There is a risk that the overview of employees’ tasks will be more difficult, feedback will be less clear, and it is common for managers to fear that productivity may decrease. The most important thing is that managers monitor performance (for example, hold short team meetings or summary meetings at the end of the day), set clear expectations (what tasks the employee should perform, etc.), encourage success, and provide regular feedback (e.g., with daily check-in or meetings at the beginning and end of the week).

Unlisted rules in companies

Now is an excellent time to write down unwritten rules in the team or even the company as a whole. Is it OKOK not to be in the picture at teleconferences? Is it appropriate to send smileys to customers, and is it wrong to send emails to colleagues outside of working hours? These are just a few examples of things that are rarely recorded and promoted in the workplace.

These unwritten rules may have changed after people increasingly went to work at home or were even vague, to begin with, and not known to everyone. After many years in the same place, you may see that it is OKOK to go for a short walk in the middle of the day to clear your mind. Still, the new employee does not necessarily know about this possibility. Minor uncertainties can lead to preventable insecurities and misunderstandings.

An article these unwritten rules and quotes the idea of ​​ who wanted to emphasize to new employees that it would always be OKOK to ask for help, make mistakes, and have bad days in between. Here are examples of the list that posted in his company:

It’s OKOK to…

. Say, “I do not know.”

. Ask for further explanations

. Ask why and why not

. Say you do not understand

. Forget things

. Do not know everything

. Use headphones

Go to another place to concentrate

Do not view mail outside of business hours

. Say no when you’re too busy.

Such a list brings to the surface what is already considered OKOK in the workplace, but not everyone knows about it, and it is good to remind. The article also encourages managers to prepare a special list related to work during the epidemic. Here are some examples.

It’s OKOK to…

. Not be in the picture of you need a break from long teleconferencing

Take advantage of flexible working hours due to obligations to the family

Bring a child or pet to a meeting.

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating a list for your team:

Digital communication

It can be challenging to be in constant teleconferencing. It is good to have clear guidelines about when people are in the picture and when not. For example, it can be good to have everyone visible if workgroups are small and have active discussions. In larger meetings, it may be enough for the first 10 minutes to be in the picture to establish a connection and then turn off the cameras afterward.

It might also be a good idea to mention that it is OKOK for children to wear comfortable clothing, request a meeting without a picture, answer the doorbell, or get up to stretch out or fetch a glass of water at long sessions. This could reduce anxiety and level the playing field.

Emotional support

In challenging times, we cannot always expect to be perfect. We are considering that it is normal for us to have bad days or take breaks from time to time. You also need to be patient and give people space to concentrate. We miss relationships with co-workers and the days are so different than before.

Psychological security

New employees are more likely to feel insecure and lack a sense of belonging to the group. Therefore, it is essential to emphasize that they know that it is OKOK to ask countless questions and not know everything after the first week. Teleworking makes it harder to answer these little questions that burn people. Many people consider themselves lucky at this time to have a job or are reluctant to lose it and hesitate to look for superiors.    

But if people do not ask questions, then they may not be working as well as they could or spending too much time worrying about how it will happen. “It’s OKOK” gives the green light to ask questions. It could be added to the list that it is OKOK to ask “silly” or ask again even though you have already received an answer.

We are different

We have different work styles and different personalities. This point could be considered when making lists. It could be mentioned, for example, the possibility of chatting in teleconferencing and giving people more time to make crucial decisions.

The authors say that by making a list of unwritten rules, it is possible to strengthen the corporate culture, even if the nature of the work changes. It has a positive effect on everyone, both newly hired and those with longer seniority.

Toxic colleagues:

Sometimes we talk about “toxic colleagues” or toxic teams, but this refers to specific behaviors that are damaging and can be crucial to the success of an entity or even the company as a whole. A manager who experiences such behavior among his employees must take the reins promptly because if it is left unchecked, only a degenerate condition is being maintained.

You can read more about toxic colleagues in an article on this page, but here is the most common and unhealthy behavior:

Slander, criticize, and blame others

. Gossip, spread rumors

. Agree at meetings but do not follow up

. Collect and sit on information

. Undermining others

. Put your interests ahead of the interests of a team or company.

The importance of good governance

It is not a given that we feel good at work. Although the projects are fun and the colleagues even great, it is also essential that the workplace management is good. When searching Google and typing in “good leadership” (good leadership) brings up 2,810,000 search paths.

When looking at whether poor management can affect employees’ health, symptoms such as anger, bitterness, unhappiness, disappointment, fear, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, and burnout appear. Striking figures can also be seen, such as the fact that more than 120,000 deaths each year in the United States alone can be traced to mismanagement.

Can good management make the difference?

 A professor at the University of Gothenbone has researched stress for years, including anxiety at work. She is convinced that enough research has been done. Now the action is needed; it is not enough to “fix” the individual and their characteristics, but it is also necessary to consider the management methods in these individuals’ workplaces.

But what is good management, then?

Most people seem to agree that management can be considered good if it creates security and trust. The management style that is often named one of the best is the style called style transformation (Transform Sensational). The leader who adheres to the transformation style is a supportive role model who shows passion and uses the employee’s strengths to achieve results beyond expectations. Employees have tremendous confidence in the leader’s ideology, and the team is driven by motivation and shows devotion to work. Such a leader tries to find new solutions, explains the tasks well, and gives the employee the freedom to work on them with his methods.

The advantages of this management style seem to lead to employees’ well-being and to them being able to flourish in work which in turn leads to greater productivity. However, this style can lead the employee to put the team’s needs above their own needs and not set goals.

Servant leadership is another management style that has been much discussed in recent years and also has many benefits.

Servant leadership

Servant leadership is a philosophy that goes beyond the main task of management is to serve employees. This is different from traditional leadership, where the emphasis is primarily on companies’ and institutions’ success. A servant leader shares power puts employees’ needs first and helps them develop and function in the best possible way. He constantly thinks about whether employees are growing as individuals in the job, whether they will be healthier, more sensible, more accessible, more independent, and more likely to become self-serving leaders? The idea is that the manager, employee, and the company all benefit from this growth of employees, which results in increased loyalty and devotion.

10 characteristics of the servant leader

. Listening

. It is not enough to be strong in decision-making; a leader needs to listen carefully.


. The leader emphasizes understanding and following in the footsteps of others.

. Healing

The servant-leader focuses on the emotional well-being of employees and health promotion.

. Liability

. The leader takes responsibility for himself and the group and thinks first and foremost about others’ needs.

. Conviction

A servant leader cannot rely on authority, and he must use persuasive power.

Idea work

The leader needs to be able to anticipate and discuss solutions. Requires overview, self-discipline, and training;

. Foresight

. By understanding the past, the leader concludes the future.


. The leader is aware of his feelings and behaviors and keeps a close eye on them.

. Commitment to employee growth

. The leader helps people grow on a broad basis, not just work-related ones.

The community

The leader seeks to build the group and empathy within it.

Transformation leadership

Transformational leadership is a leadership or leadership style in which the leader works with colleagues to identify the need for change, shapes a shared vision, and inspires them to achieve the necessary changes. The leader’s behavior influences employees and encourages them to do the work better than they thought they could do and deliver exceptional results. The leader gives employees autonomy over specific tasks and commissions to make decisions once they have received on-the-job training. This means that attitudes towards the job will be more positive.

Leaders with this style are motivating, maintain a good work ethic and perform well. They manage to arouse employees’ interest in projects and encourage people to take on projects. They learn about the strengths and weaknesses of employees so that they can assign those tasks appropriately.

Transformation leaders have positive expectations of people and believe that they can do their best. This encourages and strengthens employees and enables them to do better than might be expected.  

From a workplace perspective, these leaders increase employees’ commitment, participation, loyalty, and performance. Employees make an extra effort to show support for the leader, what makes you a good leader, follow his example and follow what he says without losing confidence. The leaders are good at adapting to different situations, have self-control, and are motivating in management.  

Transformation leaders show behaviors characterized by the following factors:

Inspired motivation (Inspirational Motivation) – the leader encourages employees to succeed. He sets ambitious but fair goals and creates a shared vision that he can deliver. He can easily clearly express his expectations and arouse the same passion and interest in his employees. Inspired motivation is closely related to charisma, but it is when an individual has a unique ability to evoke admiration, trust, or loyalty among people.

Effects model (idealized influence) – when their leader is a robust model in the company. He set a good example; these leaders respect the needs of employees and prioritize them. They often have an extraordinary radiance and a strong sense of justice. Employees usually try to follow the leader’s example, as they can quickly identify with him.

Cognitive (intellectual stimulation) – the leader encourages employees to think independently and go new ways. The leaders are original, creative, and very open to new ideas. They tend to be tolerant of mistakes and believe they can contribute to growth and progress within the company. These leaders create learning opportunities for employees and are not afraid to give up outdated methods to the boat.

Individualized consideration (individualized consideration) – the leader builds stronger relationships with employees. They are supportive, encouraging, and instructive and give people the opportunity to strengthen themselves and grow in their work. They keep communication lines open so that people can share ideas and realize each other’s contributions.

Have you ever been in a workgroup where someone took control of the situation, shed clear light on the group’s goals, clearly had a passion for the job, and had the ability to fill others with enthusiasm and energy? This could have been a transformative leader.

These leaders can encourage positive change and are usually urgent, motivated, and passionate. They are busy with the progress of the projects, but they also want to help everyone in the team succeed.

Research shows that those in teams with transformative leaders achieve better results and are happier at work than those in a group where a different management style is used, says Dr. Ronald Riggio in an article in Psychology Today. The reason is that transformative leaders have positive expectations of employees and a belief that they can do their best. Also, they care about the interests of employees, their needs, and career development. In this way, they encourage and empower employees to do better than expected.

But what can be done to develop this style to a greater extent? An article in Verywellmind states that leadership studies experts believe that having a strong and positive vision can be crucial. It is not enough to believe in this Vision yourself, but you also need to encourage others to be convinced of it. The key is to be sincere, passionate, supportive, and trustworthy towards employees.

Are you absent as a leader?

An article from the March 2018 Harvard Business Review reads about the main characteristics of poor management and divides behaviors related to these management styles into three categories;

. Avoidance behavior- that creates distance from others and is characterized by emotionality, little communication, and mistrust;

. Resistant behavior- characterized by tyranny and abusive behavior.

. Cooperation- that manifests itself in the manager being manageable and hesitant to take risks or defend a team;

However, worst of all is the management style of the person who is the sole administrator by name. Such a style has been called “laissez-faire” or passive management. The manager is then spiritually absent and avoids communication with subordinates. It may sound good to have a boss who leaves you alone, but a study from 2015 showed that the main complaints about bosses are related to what they did not do. It also seems that experiencing indifference from the boss is worse than being exposed to bad behavior by the boss and is related to stress and health problems among employees.

What kind of leader are you?

Henry and Karen Kimsey-House released the book Co-Active Leadership: What makes you a good leader. Five Ways to Lead in 2015, which discusses the five dimensions of collaborative leadership ( co-active leadership ). Collective leadership means that it is not just one leader or visionary who stands at the top of the organization chart and pumps out directives, but more people are involved in decision-making. Karen says in an article that the leadership style of leadership at the top is one-dimensional and cannot be effective in a complex environment that is constantly changing what makes you a good leader.

The old model of using monetary rewards to bring about change comes to us only part of the way. We are moving into a new way of thinking where communication with others and our environment is as important as what we create.

This gives rise to the five critical dimensions of leadership styles that cover other essential aspects. We move between our lives and jobs.

. The leader of the center (Leader Within) 

This style is the foundation on which other leadership styles are based. The leader is self-satisfied and has self-control reflected in the ability to act with integrity in line with personal values, ideals, and purpose.

. Leader prow (leader in front)

This leader has a strong vision and encourages others to keep going. Unlike the traditional leader who controls everything from above, the leader does not have to have all the answers. Still, he uses the diverse talents of the people around him. He manages to harness others’ leadership skills and thus brings everyone’s cooperation towards a set goal.

. The leader behind (leader behind )

This leader is in a serving role; he listens closely to others, keeps everything together, connects people to ideas, provides what is needed to achieve the set goal, and encourages others to continue by believing in them.  

. Leader sides (leader beside)

This leader shares responsibilities with others in peer collaboration where exciting and powerful interactions can lead to unexpected results.

. Leader in the field (leader in the area)

These leaders are open to the unknown, understand that once they have let go of the defined and known, intuition takes over and points the way. They put a lot of effort into knowing when and how to react in all situations.

You do not need a specific job title to be a leader. Henry and Karen define a leader as an individual who takes responsibility for his world. Much of leadership is about the initiative and taking responsibility. Everyone can therefore choose to become a leader in this sense.

Life-threatening management

The book Life-threatening management ( Livsfarlig levels ) by Christian Ørsted was published in 2013 and continues to attract a lot of attention in Denmark and worldwide. In the book, Christian discusses, among other things, three types of management; traditional, modern, and sustainable.

Traditional management is characterized by a clear framework and firm control over how things are done. If you can’t handle the tasks, you need to find another job. It does not matter that it is the manager who decides. Still, on the other hand, what makes you a good leader he also bears all the responsibility.

Modern management, which is now more widespread, appears on the surface to be more pleasurable than traditional management – but it can be life-threatening in Christian’s opinion. In modern management, the relationship between manager and employee is more democratic than conventional management and is based more on equality. The modern manager is the kind manager who loves his employees and is interested in their privacy. Everyone is asked for their opinion before decisions are made. There is freedom, both in terms of the framework and how things are done. But space is false. “What do you think of yourself” is often asked, and people are encouraged to dare to make mistakes. The same demands are made on success, and the same consequences will occur if things go wrong. The friendly atmosphere, flexible working hours, the possibility of working from home, and telephones with access to work email around the clock means that the employee can decide for himself when and how much he works.

In this situation, Christian believes that life-threatening management can be found because it is often unclear, both in the employee and the manager’s mind, where the responsibility lies.

Employees are becoming more responsible than their position and influence suggest. They often do not receive good enough feedback and therefore do not know if they have done well. Hence, the freedom they have to make decisions leads to constant pressure to develop and do better. Researchers have only recently realized how dangerous this management style is and how negatively it can affect productivity.

Christian points to a benevolent management style that he calls sustainable management ( d. Bæredygtig levels ). Management has responsibilities, goals, and a framework on the shoulders of the manager. Freedom within the framework is excellent, and respect for each individual’s abilities and experiences manifests itself in provocative and inspiring curiosity. The spirit is good as in modern management but is characterized by more respect than friendship. There is no longer any freedom at all. It is clear what the requirements are, and poor results have consequences. Still, they are not personal because everyone can realize whether they are solving their tasks satisfactorily. In sustainable management, the best is taken from traditional and modern control, and now managers are responsible.

Companies with a modern management style are characterized by stressed employees and a lack of innovation, but creativity flourishes where management is sustainable – where it is both demanding and safe to work.   

When goals take over

In the book, Christian tells the story of a manager at a large reputable company he believes can reflect many in a similar situation. The company that the manager worked for setting the goal very high, high demands were made on results, and the effects of performance measurements were published daily. For a long time, everything went well, goals were achieved, and the manager’s team celebrated a good exchange. But then the plans were raised, and expectations of success were at least lower. There was no time between the battles. The manager fell on the wall with others from the team after a period where he had worked a lot of overtime, had trouble sleeping, and struggled with various chronic stress symptoms. The company responded well after it broke down. Still, the performance culture itself, which constantly demanded more performance, work faster and do better, remained central to the company.

The manager had been pleased with his job, and it goes hand in hand with the fact that employees can burn out at work despite being happy, happy, and in exciting jobs. Because he liked his career so much and enjoyed his work so much, he blamed himself for what had happened and felt that he should have done something about it himself and let it be known. Employees who experience stress at work often blame themselves when they give in to stress, but they do not adequately assess this.

The manager’s case was that the management gave him an opinion on what the team’s results could achieve in the next quarter. He gave his answer, but the direction added them and raised the goal and added even more if a goal was achieved. The management was supposed to make precise demands and set a framework, but the goal was to be moved. If the goal was set too high and the manager said he would not achieve it, the management began negotiations with him and persuaded him to accept an unrealistic goal that meant nothing could be done. Work had to be done without interruption. And because he got the unrealistic goal, he also took full responsibility for it. The talks were, therefore, the beginning of the problem. The management made him responsible for what was not feasible. He was not given the necessary resources to do the job.

Burning for the job – adapting to “self-management.”

We often burn for work or projects that we feel “belong,” that have a purpose and are responsible for. Christian took an example from his own experience when he was given a complex task to solve that he was told he “owned” from then on. He was, therefore, fully responsible for the project and had the opportunity to create something big and vital.

He put everything into the work, felt it mattered, was interesting, something completely new that would change the world. He did not even think about why he was willing to put in so much effort and sacrifice free time and most other things for one project. He felt he was working for the project and not for the boss or the company.

When we are passionate about work, we can endure much more than we would otherwise. It cites the example of high-achieving athletes who take the risk of permanent injury to qualify for the Olympics.

He says that the pressure came from within; it was not a requirement from the company that he was always at work. We choose for ourselves and will justify that choice by believing it was right. We complain if the pressure comes from outside – not if it comes from ourselves. Therefore, companies that fit self-management ( d. Selvedge management positions use parental ) employees. There must be clear goals for work input and results. And the employee needs to get the necessary resources to solve the tasks.

Christian cites a Gallup poll. Almost 50% of those who experienced stress said it was due to their workplace expectations, compared to 28% who said the employer’s expectations were the cause of stress. More than 80% of the respondents in the survey answered that they influence workplace decisions and are essential for the job. Co-responsibility gives the job meaning and increases job satisfaction. The downside is that if we take control of projects, it is difficult not to put life and soul into them. Professional and human pride is at stake, and we dedicate our work and are in danger of burning out. Fortunately, this can be prevented.

Svend Brinkmann, professor at Aalborg University, has examined the connection between work and self-image and says that the longer we are at work, the more we experience that it is the only thing that life has to offer. This is because our brains instinctively think that what we spend a lot of time on is essential. We create an explanation for why we spend so much time at work.

This is what happens when we look at work emails in our spare time. We may be missing something important, and we must respond quickly. But we have created this answer because it explains our behavior. We have instinctively convinced ourselves that the job is essential and we are indispensable at work.

This is contrary to what was previously thought; people believed that we could be convinced by ourselves. Today it is known that by changing our behavior, we unconsciously change our convictions. The brain constantly tries to get beliefs and behavior to fit together.

This means that although we do not think that work is vital, but then we end up with rigid work and homework, we gradually make the work more important in our minds. This is one interesting psychological by-product of working at home in your free time by phone and computer; we involuntarily make work more critical at the expense of privacy. In the past, work was our way of paying the bills, but now it is a big part of our identity.   

We need to be aware that the more we identify with the job, the more essential we feel we are – and the harder it will be to put the career aside and go on a complete vacation. But this is self-deception; if we are indispensable, then it is the manager’s role to improve. We are not critical, and we should be able to take a break and go on vacation.

We should also be careful if work is the sole purpose of life. Christian takes the example of powerful Danish companies that focus on profit and are concerned about social and environmental issues. In many cases, these progressive companies are well received and encourage employees to think “differently” and sometimes hire those who have criticized the company for critical positions.

The emphasis on self-improvement

The Danish psychologist and philosopher Svend Brinkmann makes it a point in the lecture that we are told that we are only OKOK if we are constantly evolving and changing, adapting well, and being mobile. It does not matter where we are going, just that we are moving and doing something. That we are passionate and interested in personal and professional development. Seven thinks this makes us unhappy because no matter what we do and how well we do now, we need to do more next year, do better and do something else. So we are never good enough, and we can only blame ourselves when we fail.

When we see how many people have problems with stress, anxiety, and depression, some could be because we have this ideology of constant change and development. We are not allowed to take root and live a stable and secure life.

Well-being in the workplace is a collaborative project.

Ingrid says that employees’ and management’s interests go hand in hand when it comes to well-being in the workplace and that both parties are responsible. “It is the role of management to create a workplace culture that promotes well-being, and it is the responsibility of employees to pursue a healthy lifestyle, choose a positive attitude towards work and the workplace and set goals.”

She says that management practices play a large part in the well-being of employees and job performance. “Research in the West has repeatedly shown that the main reason people quit is not salary-related but is related to bad relations with their immediate superior.”

It has been shown that there is a significant relationship between constructive management style and job satisfaction, well-being, and job success. Those managers who have that management style emphasize the training and development of staff. “They expect employees to set challenging but realistic goals, plan how they will achieve their goals, and do their job with interest. They emphasize a workplace culture where employees support each other and show interest in others’ ideas and suggestions. They encourage positive relationships and constructive, open communication. “

Ingrid mentions that it can be assumed that management styles explain 50-70% of the work ethic in the workplace. It lists four types that positively affect work ethic and generally do not have a good product.

Kim Cameron, a professor at the University of Michigan, introduced positive leadership, which is rooted in positive psychology. “He encourages management to create a positive work environment that enables all employees to exceed expectations and achieve consistently good results. By focusing on the strengths and talents of people, they can flourish and enjoy themselves.” Cameron has shown that when people find a positive purpose in what they are doing, they tend to thrive at work and also have less stress. . “Sick days are fewer for those who find the job necessary, they show more interest, are happier and last longer at work. They also have a higher morality. Positive leadership, therefore, has a very positive effect on the well-being of employees. “

For more information on management styles, positive leadership, and employees’ responsibility for their well-being, see Ingrid’s article.

More exhaust after the workday

In an article on Vision. Is, Rakel Sveinsdóttir talks to Tómas Bjarnason, division manager at Gallup, who has many years of experience asking Icelanders about work-related aspects and the balance between work and private life.

Tómas says that when people are asked in surveys whether workload has increased or decreased in recent months, more people than before think that it has grown. But when workload figures are compared between years, they move surprisingly little. “The reason why people feel stress is partly because stimuli have increased a lot. More parties are competing for our attention by email, email or on smart devices, then of course work, but also social media and online media, “says Tómas and adds,” There is more to choose from, a lot to happen and to be involved, you have to keep an eye on. There is often a lot going on in private life. Family patterns are often complex and often a giant puzzle to arrange the day so that it works out for all family members “.

He says there is an apparent increase in the group who say they are exhausted or tired after the workday. More people find it more challenging to handle the workload, and there are more absences from work. Various things can affect, jobs have changed, stimuli have increased, and frequent changes in companies’ organizations, increased employees’ demands. In some workplaces, there have been savings and cuts since the collapse. With technological change and international competition, the pressure on companies has increased. “Low job security and financial worries are stressors that affect fatigue and absenteeism.” But it is not only technology that changes because we also change, and the demands we make on ourselves and others change.

The results show that workload is higher in 2017 than in 2008, even though people are working fewer hours. Measurements of work-life balance have changed little in decades. Almost as many people say that their work and private life collide Today and nearly two decades ago.

It is essential for the experience of workload that people have the opportunity to use their strengths. According to the survey results, 63% of those who work on their strengths experience a reasonable workload, compared to 43% of those who do not get the opportunity to work on muscles. They also consider it less likely that answering emails outside of working hours will affect their well-being.

Tómas says that there can be a lot of stress in the workplace and that individuals handle it differently. Managers need to know the staff and what level of stress suits them. Pressure can be high in the short term without it hurting people. The rocks, or conditions in the workplace, are most important in terms of the load’s impact: management, organization, and communication.

Expectations for staff must be clear. If they are unclear, the balance between work and private life is less likely to be good. Therefore, it must not be underestimated how much influence management in the workplace and conditions can have on people’s experience of stress.

Recognition and respect

We all need recognition and respect and often go to great lengths to be accepted and defend our self-esteem, says an article on the World Health Organization (WHO) website.

Recent research shows that many people’s stressful experiences are related to being insulted, ridiculed, excluded, disputed, or doing inappropriate or unnecessary tasks.

Employees’ disrespectful and unfair treatment can have a detrimental effect on their health and well-being. On the other hand, recognition significantly increases interest and job satisfaction and improves health and well-being.

A major study by The Energy Project and Harvard Business Review 2013-2014 found that employees who felt respected by their bosses were 63% more likely to be happy with their jobs, showed 55% more dedication, and achieved 58% more concentration, and were 110% more likely to remain in the same workplace than those who did not feel respected.

As a leader, are you diligent in giving your employees the recognition they deserve?

The importance of trust

Research has shown that a culture based on trust can be essential for the success of companies. Employees who work where there is trust are generally more productive, have more endurance at work, are better at working together, and work longer in the workplace than those who do not experience trust. The former are less prone to chronic stress and are happier with life. Still, both of these factors positively affect performance.

To boost trust in the workplace, managers need to provide positive feedback for a job well done; the tasks need to be reasonably demanding and have a clear endpoint. People need to be given autonomy in doing the work after receiving appropriate training and are increasingly allowed to choose which tasks to do. Disclosure needs to be good, but it reduces insecurity—the more connections formed within a team, the better. The individual’s development needs to be considered instead of just career development. Leaders need to be unafraid to show vulnerability and seek help from employees.            

A study showed that where trust was highest, employees were much more likely to be energetic and busy with work. There were greater loyalty and job satisfaction, in addition to which employees were closer to their co-workers. They also considered themselves more productive than where there was less trust.

An international survey of 9,800 employees found that less than half of the respondents had a high level of trust in the companies they worked for. Those who had little confidence in the employer cited these factors as the main reasons:

. Unfair salary

. Uneven opportunities for wage and position increases

. Lack of strong leaders

. Excessive staff turnover

. Do not encourage cooperation

The author of the article believes that trust is the cornerstone of creating a workplace where employees are motivated, productive, and constantly creative.

The meta-analysis of 106 studies of more than 20 thousand teams showed a positive relationship between trust within groups and performance. The more independent the team, the more faith there was. An article in Forbes magazine 2018 discusses the benefits of working in an environment where there is trust. People share information, and cooperation is good. People are more creative, experiment, and take risks. Trust-based companies perform better than others.   

The Leadership IQ survey found a strong link between whether people trust their next boss and whether they want to continue working in the company.    

10 indications that there is a lack of trust in the workplace:

. Employees do only the essentials and what they are specifically asked to do – nothing more than that.

. Each is in its corner, little about collaboration and sharing of information between departments. People ignore emails and requests.

. Only safe decisions are made, and there is little innovation and considered risk.

Employees complain and blame others, do not admit mistakes and evade responsibility.

Solid and aggressive competition and opposition to the ideas of others;

People sit on information and share only what is necessary when asked for it. Challenging to get honest feedback and open discussions;

. Not always consistency between words and deeds, not even with senior executives.

Transparency is lacking, and rumors often arise due to inadequate disclosure.

Policies, processes, and systems are based on the belief that people are generally untrustworthy and need to be monitored and guided.

Commandment comes from above and is determined by job titles.  

The value of labeling

Behavioral economist Dan Ariely talks about his research in a TED talk. He talks about what makes people feel good about their jobs. Ariely says that it is much more than the salary that affects how people work.

It tells the story of a former student who worked for a large bank and had been working on a slide presentation for a merger and acquisition for more than two weeks. He had enjoyed the task and worked well into the evening every day; the day before the final return, he sent the presentation to his boss but then received the answer “nice introduction, but the takeover was canceled.” The student became very depressed; he enjoyed doing the work, but no one would see the presentation miscued him.

Ariely and friends did an experiment where people were divided into two groups and asked to build a men’s LEGO Bionicle, the first for just a few dollars, the next for a little less, and so on until people chose to quit. In the first group, the men were taken when they were ready and placed under a table. People were told that after the experiment, they would be disassembled and used for the next participant. In the second group, the same thing was up for grabs, except that when each man was fully built, he was just as quickly dismantled by researchers in front of the participants and the blocks used to construct a new man -what makes you a good leader in a kind of cycle.

What happened was that the participants in the first group built an average of 11 men and in the second only 7. Men could get the same amount of pay, but in the second group, people saw no meaning in their work and therefore built less. Ariely points out that the previous group’s work’s significance was not significant compared to jobs that matter, but the difference was substantial.

They had another version of the experiment where people only had to predict the result from the above experiment. People predicted that where there was meaning, one more man would be built. So people seem to realize that purpose matters, not necessarily how much what makes you a good leader.

It was examined whether those who were very interested in building from LEGOs built more men than those who were less or not interested, and this was the case in the previous group. The interest, however, did not affect the latter group, so breaking the men immediately in front of the participants seemed to completely ruin this pleasure for the people.

Shortly after Ariely experimented, he was interviewed by a group of 200 software engineers tasked with creating and developing a large product. The week before, the project, which had lasted for two years, had been canceled, and he said he had never spoken to depressed people. He told them about the LEGO experiments, and they told them they felt like they had been participants themselves. It was revealed in discussions with employees that after the project was discontinued, they had started coming to work later than before and leaving earlier. More negative was considered.

Employees were then asked what the CEO could have done to make people feel better. They said he could have asked the group to introduce the project to others in the company and tell them about the journey they had gone through. He could have asked them what parts of the project could apply to other company departments or get them to create next-generation prototypes and see how they would work. But this would have cost some time and effort, and probably the general manager did not realize the value of labeling for the staff.  

Ariely told of another experiment in which participants were divided into three groups and asked to solve problems on a piece of paper. They received payment for the first issue they returned, but a smaller amount for the next issue and so on.

 What makes you a good leader in the first group, people were asked to register their names on the paper and respond to the project. The researcher picked up the form, ran over it, said “aha” ( Uh-huh ), and put it in a pile. In other groups, people did not register their names, and the researcher took the paper and put it in a bank without looking. In the third group, the researcher picked up the form and put it directly into a shredder.

It turned out that when the researcher looked at the solution, people were willing to pay up to 15 cents for each answer. Still, since the solution landed directly in the shredder, people gave up at 30 cents. The group’s results where the key was not paid attention to (group 2) were almost as bad as where the solution landed in the shredder; people were not willing to work as much as where someone looked and showed feedback.

Ariely says this is both positive and negative news. The downside is that ignoring people’s work and not paying attention to it can be as bad as shredding their work right in front of it. The good news is that it takes a bit of effort to motivate people. 

The IKEA effect

Dan Ariely talks about what he calls the IKEA influence in a TED talk. Still, you can read an article about his and his friends’ experiments here.

People seem to appreciate more the things they create themselves. Ariely takes a well-known example of trimix in the fifties that was very easy to use but only needed to add water to the powder and slam into the oven. Although the taste was good, it sold poorly, and it was not until the producers took out the egg and milk powder that it became popular. People then needed a little more for the cake and could instead look at it as their “own” cake.  

He believes that the same applies to IKEA furniture; you need to have something to put together, but after it is done, and people can often appreciate it better than furniture that does not require work.

An experiment was conducted in which a group of people was hired to create origami figures. The group received instructions on how to proceed but had no experience with the method. The result was rather sad, but despite that, people were happy with the results and evaluated the figures more than the control group did – when they were offered to buy them, they were willing to pay five times more than the other group was willing to do. The people also overestimated what the control group was willing to pay.

The task was then made more difficult by asking for more complex figures and fewer instructions so that the creations became even more invisible. The result was similar to the previous experiment, except that those who made the figures were even fonder of them. Those who were neutral were less impressed.

This says something about how we evaluate things, says Ariely. We value what we put in, and we are happier with it. And we may be overestimating our work. Ariely says that when we think of work contribution, we often talk about motivation and salary as the same thing. Still, in reality, many things affect – for example, meaning, creativity, challenges, ownership, identity, and pride.  

Positivity and optimism

What makes you a good leader the manager has a great deal of control over the work ethic and culture of the workplace. If he is positive and optimistic that the tasks can be solved, he can impress people and fill them with enthusiasm. If he is pessimistic and negative, there is a risk that the spirit will become depressing, and productivity may decrease.

An international survey of more than 20,000 employees conducted by The Energy Project and Harvard Business Review, 2013-2014, found that the managerial qualities that had the most impact on performance variables were:

To show respect to employees;

. To pay attention to them and appreciate them;

. To be positive and optimistic;

Positive and optimistic bosses are contagious, as mentioned above. what makes you a good leader respondents who had hopeful bosses felt happier and more excited about the job, felt more confident and secure, and interested in working for the company. They found meaning and importance in their work. They found it easier to concentrate, showing that positivity in one area can flow to another.  

A simple compliment can make a big difference.

In a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, authors Erica Boothby, Xuan Zhao, and Vanessa K. Bohns say that promoting a positive corporate culture should be at the top of companies’ priorities employees and managers emphasizing each other. That boast and show appreciation are critical to maintaining morale. People consider themselves valued if they are thanked. It has been shown that positive feedback is an excellent way to counteract the adverse effects of stress. The brain has been revealed to process this verbal motivation in a similar way to financial rewards.

Although praise and gratitude are known to be essential elements in a positive corporate culture, research has shown that people are sometimes reluctant to be encouraging in this way because they underestimate the positive effects that warm words have on others. The authors performed experiments that demonstrated this underestimation. People even think that the compliment can be uncomfortable for the recipient. However, it turned out that everyone who received praise appreciated it better than those who praised it. It showed the recipients that they felt better and did not feel the inconvenience that those honored what makes you a good leader expected.

It comes with an excellent feeling to get praise, but we are generally not diligent in praising. Nearly 90% of respondents in the survey thought they should honor more. In a study where people were asked to write a compliment to a friend, only about half of the participants sent the praise to the friend despite having completed the most time-consuming process; to review and write down. Although there is a will, people are reluctant to return the praise, which is a cheap way to make people feel valued.

It, therefore, seems to be a psychological barrier to building a more positive culture, namely the wrong expectations people have. Even though people think there is reason to praise, they start to doubt when it comes to casting – can they praise, will it be embarrassing? And this anxiety makes it unnecessarily pessimistic about the effects. Still, the pessimism prevents it from providing a boost that would benefit everyone. 

To make matters worse, what makes you good leader experiments showed that people were reluctant to reconsider assessing the recipients’ well-being after the praise had been given. People did not realize how much the award had an effect and underestimated its value, which indicates that this error is a complex subject. One way to overcome it is to look at the compliment as the recipient does, not focus on how clever or clumsy a person is at complimenting, but to think about the warm feeling that the praise gives to others.

Research shows that people also underestimate how much the recipient values ​​appreciation. In one study, people wrote letters of thanks, and recipients were asked how they felt when receiving the letter. When their answers and those of the senders were compared, it was found that the senders underestimated the positive effect on the recipients and overestimated how embarrassing it was to receive the letter. Unnecessary pessimism prevents people from doing a positive thing.

We may worry that if we praise too much, the positive effect will fade and the sincerity. But the authors’ research reveals the opposite, friendly words do not lose their influence over time. In the same way that people need to eat regularly to meet their biological needs, we have a fundamental need to be seen, recognized, and valued at work and in private.

It has been shown that encouraging others, either by thanking them or praising the puffin’s relief and promotes well-being. This means that everyone benefits, those who encourage and those who receive it. Building a positive corporate culture is essential, especially in difficult times. What makes you a good leader but we often hold back unnecessarily because we did not realize the impact of this positive message.

The workplace and charring

Theories of Christina Maslach.

Dr. Christina Maslach is a professor (emerita) in psychology and a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. She is known for her research on work-related charring. She is a co-author of the measuring instrument Maslach Burnout Inventory. 

(MBI) . Below are selected points from a lecture on charring that she gave in 2018 and Understanding Job Burnout. In the study, Maslach explains that when she began her journey in research on work-related charring 20 years ago, she realized that the job itself was much more critical in understanding what happens with charring than the individual’s characteristics, personality, or where he comes from.

What makes you a good leader the labor market has changed a lot in recent decades; she says there are more competition and less trust. Employees say pages; “I’m tired, I do not know the answer, I wish I could get advice” or “I am far down.” This can be interpreted as a sign of weakness, and employees are less likely to be hit.

Maslach discusses unhealthy jobs and “toxic” working conditions where many people are stressed. They lose self-esteem, feel anxiety, depression, and even have suicidal thoughts. It is sometimes said that those who burn out are not as good workers as those who keep the sea. This is not the case, as figures show, and is stated in Jeff Pfeffer’s book from Stanford University ( Dying for a Paycheck ). We know that toxic and very stressful working conditions put people at significant risk and affect their health and well-being. But we also hear that people have to put in a lot of effort to be successful. Jeff’s book states that driving people forward does not increase productivity, that everyone loses.

Do you have a job and an employee together?

Maslach says that job-person fit is crucial in connection with burnout, mainly from six areas.What makes you a good leader

The workload is the first thing that comes to mind. There is an imbalance between the requirements and the resources that employees have to solve the tasks.

. Board: How much autonomy do you have at work, how much choice or freedom. Do you have to solve tasks in the best possible way and come up with innovations?

. Reward: People think about salaries, benefits, benefits, and so on. Social recognition is often more important for others to notice and evaluate what you are doing and let you know that your contribution matters.

. Communication/community: It refers to the communication you have at work, with colleagues, boss, customers, anyone. Is the communication good, supportive, and based on trust? Can you resolve differences, work well in teams and find a way forward.

. Fairness is considered very important. Are the opportunities equal, or is there a glass ceiling in the company, discrimination, or something else that prevents people from going further when they should have that opportunity?

. Valid: This is sometimes the most important thing, such as the purpose – why am I doing this, why am I here? What does it matter to me? What is important to me and others, etc.? Burnout is not just about working too hard and getting tired; it is often the spirit, the passion, and the meaning that fades away instead of being allowed to grow and prosper.

Maslach points out that we can use the above aspects of reform work to create better and healthier workplaces that support the things we want to achieve.

The more significant the discrepancy in the above areas, the more likely it is that charring will occur over time, after a year or two. That does not mean that all things have to be perfect, not at all. People can tolerate discrepancies if something that matters is delicious.

Charring as a stress phenomenon:

Charring is not a response to an emergency but a long-term response to chronic stress at work. After a while, people start saying, “I can’t do this anymore. I do not want to be here anymore “.

Research has identified three dimensions of charring that partially overlap:

. One is the stress response known as emotional exhaustion. “I can no longer do this; I can not think clearly; I want to go home.”

. Pessimism: There, people begin to become negative, hostile, and suspicious of others and the workplace. Rather than doing your best, it only does what it takes to hang on to a job and get paid.

. Negative self-esteem: You do not feel good about yourself and do not consider yourself good enough. People ask themselves if they have made a mistake and that they should not be there. There is no future in this; I am stuck/stuck and cannot do this.

The scale that Maslach developed for the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) covers these three dimensions. If an individual scores high on all three, there is an increased chance of burnout, but if he scores low on all three, he is in a good position and dedicated to the job ( engagement ). If a high score is measured in one or two dimensions, it is not appropriate to talk about charring, says Maslach.  

Canary in the coal mine:

If an employee feels burnt out at work, it is a clear sign that something is wrong in the workplace. Burnout can be seen as a warning sign of a “toxic” workplace. It would help if you did not try to harden the employee and expect him to set. Still, it is more appropriate to look at what is going on in the workplace that causes such a problem.

The stress of the manager

If you have problems with too much stress, it can be difficult for you as a manager in several areas:

. Excessive stress can affect social skills and the ability to emulate others. You have a more challenging time motivating employees.

. It can lead to more unsatisfactory performance, a more poor work ethic, and the risk of losing good people.

. You can make bad decisions because perspective is diminished, as is your ability to prioritize.

. You can “infect” employees if you can’t handle stress.

Why is there a risk that the manager will feel stressed?

The manager’s job is exciting, complex, and challenging. It can be gratifying, inspiring, and instructive. But it is always possible to do a little better and more in so many areas that it is often difficult to set goals – the work is never really finished. No checklist covers all aspects. One of the things that can cause stress does not know when you have done well enough.

Officers are sometimes required to be available during leisure time. Although this is not the case, it is common for them to monitor and keep their minds at work. The complexity level increases with increasing technology and an ever-changing environment, and managers have rarely had to make more decisions. Some are difficult and have far-reaching consequences, and sometimes decisions have to be made based on limited information.  

One of the management tasks is employee performance, how many versions can be made without risking employees feeling too stressed.

Stress level – the stress level

The term “stress” is not precise and delimited but is used to describe various conditions with varying degrees of stress. The word is used for the short-term tension that people experience before essential tasks and tell a persistent lousy situation that causes them to be away from work for a more extended period. There is a big difference.

To reflect your well-being and discuss stress more clearly with employees, it is a good idea to look at the stress ladder, where you can position yourself on one of its five levels – from managing your tasks well and enjoying yourself at work. And down to the lowest level where high stress and prolonged stress have led to exhaustion over a long period. Each step has its characteristics.

Managers need to take action if employees show signs of being at level 2 for a long time (warm). If an employee has reached level 3 or 4, immediate action must be taken.

When assessing yourself on the stress ladder, notice small changes that occur. Be careful not to look at them as a normal part of the job and act quickly. The further we go down the stairs, the harder it is to regain balance.  

What can be done to prevent stress? Four rules of life

Due to responsibilities and unclear boundaries, managerial work can lead to significant stress and strain. But several things can be done to prevent unwanted situations in the workplace, and there is a lot of work to be done to create balance and perspective. Below are four “life rules” that could potentially help.

Find time to prioritize and control your affairs.

.  Take control of the complication.

. Make realistic demands on yourself and overcome complex problems.

 Be aware of your stress symptoms and take action.

How does stress manifest itself in managers?

Most of the symptoms are the same in managers and other employees, but they are often considered part of the job, and sometimes it is unclear where to turn. Therefore, it usually takes longer for managers to seek help.

Some stress symptoms have an unfortunate effect on the judgment. Therefore, what makes you a good leader it is essential to identify them and seek the help of your supervisor, colleagues, or human resources manager.

Do you know these symptoms?

. Difficulty sleeping – when you…

. Gruff – when you.

. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – when you…

. Changes in communication – when you…

What to do?

What makes you a good leader the four life rules presented above can help prevent a lot of stress and are especially useful when the focus is highest. If you cannot get rid of the symptoms, you need help maintaining balance and coping with stress.

First of all, you need to talk to someone about the situation, for example with your boss. Social support has a positive effect on well-being. Your boss is responsible for and benefits from the fact that you do not feel much stress at work.

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antitussive drugs.

Coping with sleep problems

To counteract sleep problems, try to calm down at night and create the best conditions for rest (see more advice here);

Avoid looking at screens before going to bed.

. Always go to bed at the same time.

. Exercise lightly at night, for example, going for a walk.

. Avoid alcohol and coffee in the evening.

. Do not think that you MUST sleep; it can keep you awake. Instead, think of these as actions that you must take regularly.

You can find apps to help people fall asleep.

Advice on lack of concentration

When you as a manager experience a lack of concentration, it is because you are mentally overloaded. There is too much in the “inbox,” and you run the risk of going overboard to try to react. For more peace of mind, you could try the following:

Take time to get an overview and think “slowly” and in the long run.

Create a calm environment in the workplace so you can cope better with conditions.

. Put calm down as a priority to gather strength, both at work and home;

. Take a break from work and talk about something other than work.

If you do sedentary work, exercise during holidays and hold “standing” meetings. If you do physical work, get a break. It helps the mind to change.

Make sure you get good nutrition.

Advice against confusion and worry

Confusion and worry take a lot of energy from many managers because they do not solve problems but keep people stuck in negativity and self-blame. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get rid of these thoughts completely, but if they become a problem, you could try this:

Write down negative reviews and concerns and consider how realistic they are.

Exercise; go for a walk or stretch. Notice your body and how you feel.

. Take care of yourself – do something that makes you happy.

Think about what could make you a better manager and take a step in that direction.

. If you find it challenging to get rid of complex and repetitive thoughts, seek professional help.

See more tips here.

Remedies for irritability and impatience, what makes you a good leader

If you are distant as a manager, irritated, impatient, or excited, this is not only your problem; it affects all your colleagues. To be a good and motivating leader, you need to be aware of your own well-being/behavior and consider self-control.

. Notice your mood and whether it is contagious. Before you go to work in the morning, think about your well-being and consider what will follow you through the workplace door.

. Ask yourself at regular intervals if you are spending too little or too much time with your co-workers. Is it related to your well-being, and is there a reason to make changes?

. When you are in a challenging situation at work, practice-changing gears before reacting inappropriately; Imagine that you have three bags and can switch between them;

. 1st gear: Notice your breathing and your body. What do you feel? If this does not work, switch to the next bag.

. 2nd gear: Count to 10 by taking a deep breath into your stomach 10 times. When you exhale, release some of the tension. If this does not work, go to the next gear.

. 3rd gear: Take a break and get out of the situation, for example, to the toilet. When you have calmed down, return to the project.

Who can help?

  What makes you a good leader if you experience severe stress symptoms, is the interplay of several factors. You can find support in and out of the workplace.


Your boss is partly responsible for getting you back on track. It is beneficial for him to help you cope with stress to flourish and do good work.

. Discuss your primary role with your supervisor and ask for help in prioritizing tasks. What is most important and what is less important?

Find out what the expectations are for the length of working hours and accessibility after work.

. Let the supervisor know how you are doing and what you find most challenging about the managerial role. He may have experienced stress and can advise you.

Other executives

Most executives are familiar with stress, but it is rarely talked about in their group. It may be taboo and shameful, but social support from other managers can have a preventative effect.

. Tell your co-workers how you feel and what you find most challenging about being a manager. Sharing with others can be a relief.

. Ask about their experiences of stress at work and what they did to prevent it.

. If a lot of stress is familiar in the management team, you could turn to senior management/owners.

Human Resources Manager

Suppose your company has a human resources manager. In that case, they will most likely have experience in responding to and preventing stress in the workplace – even especially among managers.

. It might be a good idea to discuss matters in confidence and get good advice.  

. Human resource managers can provide information on the company’s rules and standards for working hours, workload, and stress.

. They may also know what other executives have done in the same position.


If you have a spouse, it is a good idea to tell him how you feel and why. You might think he knows all about it now, but that does not have to be the case. He has undoubtedly noticed your distance, irritability, or boredom and not necessarily linked it to your work.

Tell him what is stressful at work and how long it has affected you. Discuss the prospect of resolving the issue. Also, let him know the effect of the stress on you and the symptoms.

Ask for help by:

. Get more flexibility at home and a temporary discount on projects and requirements.

. Get more intimacy and care.

. Get used to being able to take more breaks and follow the four rules of life.

You can get help from specialists who specialize in stress-related problems; for example, many psychologists have specialized in this field. If you are having trouble finding a remedy, it is good to consult a GP and get advice on the next steps.

On this page, there are several chapters related to the material above. The stress level has been mentioned before, and it is good to know the difference between chronic stress and burnout.

Here you can also find material on perseverance, energy management, vacation, 

happiness in the workplace, and not least on the importance of being able to disconnect and recover 

after work.

What makes you a good leader other topics could help you in management, for example, the toolbox where the intention is to collect content that is of particular benefit to managers.  

Job creation

In short, job crafting involves shaping one’s work on one’s initiative to give it a deeper meaning. Shrinking tasks, choosing those we interact with, and changing our interpretation of the tasks we do make the job more meaningful. Many people have seen people doing rather monotonous and underrated jobs but doing so out of passion and even artistry. It works on its own within a specific framework, not necessarily faster but possibly better because the work becomes more exciting and essential for the employee than it would otherwise be.

Many people shape their work in part without noticing it; they deviate from the routine what makes you a good leader starting with what they are used to ending or using a different method than usual to achieve the same result. We do this if we are tired of repeating the same activities and need change to maintain long-term interest and focus.

Some jobs do not offer much flexibility for this type of shaping. Still, almost always, something small can be changed if people start to find ways or meaninglessness.

On the page Positive Psychology you can find an excellent article on job development. Author Catherine Moore says that by turning to what we do and reviewing the projects’ purpose, we can find meaning in work. We can create the work we love to do through opportunities, where we can use our skills and do what we enjoy doing. The connection between job creation and good performance and dedication has been demonstrated.

3 ways to create a job:

Jane Dutton and Amy Wrzesniewski have been looking at the concept of job creation for two decades and talk about three ways people go about it.  

Project development:

To change the type, scope, order, and several tasks involved in the job. This way is most often discussed because it is easy to see how people shape and shape their roles. This may include adding responsibility or reducing responsibility for tasks listed in the job description. An example of this is a chef who strives to make the dishes attractive even when not requested or a bus driver who takes it upon himself to tell tourists about the main things in front of his eyes and could benefit them.

Relationship building:

What makes you a good leader to change who you interact with at work and how a marketing manager could talk to developers to learn about user interfaces and get new ideas and connections simultaneously.

Cognitive shaping:

You are changing the mindset, how you interpret the tasks, and the work you do. By looking at the outcome from a different perspective, you can find or create more purpose with the result. For example, a person changing bedding in a hotel room might think that the job was less about cleaning and more about making the tourist’s stay more comfortable and memorable.

In these ways, what makes you a good leader it would be possible to see a greater purpose in the work we spend a large part of our waking hours.

Job design ( e., Job design ) is not unlike projects shaping the sense of systematically planning and reviewing processes, roles, and tasks. Both nálganirnar assume that the factors at work can affect various items such as job satisfaction and how much purpose we find. The most significant difference between job design and job design is that in job design, the changes usually come “from above.” The employee is primarily inactive in the process. Still, in job design, the employee himself initiates changes. They significantly affect his well-being and do not always bring the company for good.

5 benefits:

. Better results.

Being able to shape your job has a positive effect on people. It promotes originality and creativity and can contribute to flexibility and greater adaptability of companies.

.  Greater sanctification

By changing the way we look at our work and times, we get a sense of control over projects and get more out of the relationships we form. We get more resources that motivate us and help us achieve our goals.

.  Challenges creative play

When we go further through job development, there are opportunities to achieve great mastery in what we are doing. Still, it has a positive effect on us. With these changes, we may be looking for feedback and support that will improve potential job performance.

.  Highlights of the career

By analyzing the projects and finding our goals, we can approach them more effectively through formulation. When employees add or change tasks in line with their strengths and purpose, there is better interaction between employee and job (person-job-fit).  

 More pleasure.

There seems to be a connection between how much employees manage to shape their work and mental well-being.

The disadvantages are in the opinion of the authors:

Different goals

It can be said that job creation benefits first and foremost the employee himself. If his and the company’s goals go hand in hand, it will have neither a negative nor a positive effect on the business. If, on the other hand, an employee is hired for a specific job but turns it into something completely different, it can hardly work for the company. For example, if the chef in the model above presented an artistically presented food that was inedible, the measure would not work.

. Inequality

To create jobs, what makes you a good leader we must first make sure that they are feasible. Research shows that higher-ranking employees consider themselves short of time, and general staff thinks they lack autonomy. Those who work closely with others do not always consider themselves able to shape the work because it could be at colleagues’ expense. This may be an adjustment problem in part, but on the other hand, some jobs are easier to handle in this regard. Some may benefit, while others with less flexibility may feel discriminated against.

You can go too far.

It can be tempting to go a little too far in job creation. Taking on challenging tasks or putting too much effort into the process can have a detrimental effect. People also do not necessarily get rewarded for the extra time and effort that goes into shaping.

An article if job creation can be a powerful weapon to increase well-being in the workplace. Its benefits for individuals and companies are discussed:

Benefits for employees:

. Pleasure

By making small but influential role changes, employees begin to look more at the positive aspects of the job than the negative ones. Those who can shape their work experience those employers trust them, value them and value them, which increases job satisfaction.


Job creation increases positivity for the job and creates purpose. As employees are happier and more satisfied with their work, they feel better, reducing work-related stress.


Job creation can improve relationships between co-workers. As employees shift roles to increase collaboration with other departments and colleagues, there are more opportunities for connections and teamwork.

Benefits for companies:


Employees who take a more active part in their projects devote themselves to work to a greater extent than others. Most employees want to help companies achieve their goals when they feel respected and trusted by management. Job creation helps to strengthen these relationships between employees and the company.


If employees are satisfied with their job, they are probably more productive than they would otherwise be. By allowing employees to create jobs, productivity could increase.    


If employees are dissatisfied at work, they sometimes start looking around. Companies can try to counteract this by giving people the opportunity to have more to say about the job.

Less stress

Employees may feel less stressed if they have more control over their work. Chronic stress can be a significant problem for employees as well as companies.


what makes you a good leader sanctification is a term that describes when an employee is interested and absorbed in his work and wants to promote the reputation and interests of the company. He does not intend to put anything on himself and does not give up in the face of obstacles. Working hours pass quickly with demanding tasks that matter.

The employee has a positive attitude towards the company, is loyal to it, and is emotionally related. Those who are not dedicated to the job prefer to work at a minimum level of performance and are less concerned about the company’s image or interests.

 What makes you a good leader and companies benefit from employees being dedicated to working, that they are active, productive, and motivated. It is also the dream position of every individual to be interested in their work and passionate about it. Christian Ørsted points out in the book Life-threatening management that it needs to stop when the passion becomes too great. The work begins to take over almost the entire waking period.  

Christina Maslach discusses sanctification as the opposite of charring in the lecture Understanding Job Burnout, discussed here on the site. If an individual scores high on all three dimensions of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire, there is an increased likelihood of accusation. Still, if he scores low on all of them, he is dedicated to the job.   

Tómas Bjarnason talks about how Gallup measures sanctification and other terms in the article Sanctification of staff in decades of change. It looks at how workplaces meet the 12 critical needs of employees with a specific measuring instrument (Q12). Still, the questions are about daily experience, for example, whether expectations are clear, necessary resources are available, and career development is promoted. It is also asked whether people are cared for, whether they are encouraged and valued.

“Gallup in the United States regularly assesses the impact of sanctification on operational aspects through a so-called meta-analysis, which shows that dedicated staff delivers a variety of benefits to workplaces in terms of profit, efficiency, better service, fewer quality deviations, and fewer absences.”

Salvation and demands at work

Managers must be aware of the importance of balancing the demands made on their jobs and the resources available to address these demands (job demands-resources). The requirements are discussed much more often than the rescue measures, which can be offset when the workload is high.

Examples of resources and requirements at work:

Rescue *

Management of work

Participation in decisions

. Variety of projects

. Employee/manager support

. Collaboration between co-workers/customers

. Respect

. Recognition

. Impact




. Unrealistic claims


. Unclear role

Big changes

. High level of complexity

Difficult communication

. Time pressure

. Great responsibility


. Workplace politics

In a lecture at NIVA Education in early December 2020, Anna Tienhaara, a psychologist and consultant at the Finnish Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (FIOH), discussed the need to focus more on rescue measures. She outlines the organization’s goal and Vision of healthy -being through work, which they want to help companies aim for. Often when we talk about well-being at work, we are talking about discomfort, stress, burnout, risk factors, absence due to illness, and more. But if we are going to talk about well-being, it is essential to see that work can and should be one source.

When companies go through changes, what makes you a good leader, and when there is a lot of pressure on people, it is sometimes easy to forget the solutions. All the energy goes into the requirements. But rescues keep us going in difficult times, so it is essential to take care of them and maintain them. Anna reports on research on the interplay between demands and measures that indicate that making very high demands on an employee over a long period can lead to burnout and poor health. We know and understand this, she says, but what is no less attractive is that the remedies can reduce the chances of charring and ill health. They can also affect the dedication of work and loyalty to the company.

Useful exercise

The website Arbejdsmiljøweb.DK recommends discussing this balance of resources and demands in the workplace what makes you a good leader and finding suitable solutions together. This can be done, for example, with the following exercise:

  1. Draw a scale on a board and mark one plate Bjargráð and the other Krafur. Explain how long-term imbalances can lead to excessive stress and strain. Therefore, it is appropriate to look at the situation in your team.
  2. Ask employees to write down on yellow cards what burdens them most at work. What demands and challenges are particularly difficult to deal with? Employees then paste the labels on the board under Requirements, and you discuss which themes are most prominent.
  3. Next, we look at what employees consider to be a solution or remedy that helps them cope with the demands. Those tickets are placed under Bjargráð on the table, and the most often mentioned items are highlighted.
  4. Discuss whether corrective action can be taken immediately. Is it possible to relax requirements or change procedures? Is it possible to strengthen resources or utilize resources more effectively?
  5. If you, as an administrator, see any things you like and can influence for the better, let them know. Also, tell colleagues what issues you want to take forward in a workgroup or other forum.
  6. It is a good idea to make an action plan and decide how it will be followed up.

 New ways of working

It is interesting to see that workplaces are increasingly considering new ways of planning and management. We intend to collect information here about innovations that have attracted attention.

Below you can see interviews with several managers about exciting projects in the management and human resources their companies have tried and implemented.

The human resources manager at Póstin talks about what makes you a good leader and management methods, corporate culture, job satisfaction, and well-being in the workplace. “When it comes to corporate culture and changing it, we sat down to look at what is needed. How can we move a company’s culture from being conservative and traditional, which has worked well for a long time, to being fast, with a good response speed, and serving the customer the way he wants to be served according to Today’s needs. Then we saw that we had to start by reaching into the heart of every employee.” URL of interview.

Henrik Sigurður Jóhannesson, Human Resources Manager at Advania, talks about the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of teleworking. “It’s tough to change the rhythm of an entire club; the general test or Covid was straightforward in that everyone had to do it. What follows is much more difficult, even though everything is there, the technology, the people’s will, and the management. How do you create a mood that is desirable to work from home in whole or in part?” Henrik says that remote management is very different from other ideologies. Managers need to find out how people feel and how the dynamics are. They need to be trained and set goals. This needs to be done differently than when a manager sits inside the group—interview URL.  

Health-promoting workplace

In the spring of 2019, it was decided that VIRK would enter into a formal collaboration with the Office of the Medical Director of Health and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in compiling criteria for a “Health-promoting workplace” to promote better health and well-being in the workplace. The requirements have been taken into account the conditions that the Office of the Medical Director of Health already has for health-promoting schools and health-promoting communities, research and the available work, and the United Nations’ global goals.

At the end of 2019, a meeting was held where some of the criteria were reviewed, and the partners have reviewed them. The draft criteria have now been piloted at ten workplaces and three institutions.

If all goes well, the criteria should be accessible to all workplaces in the second half of 2021 to use to create a health-promoting environment for their employees.

The website heilsueflandi.It has been created for the project, which all companies can use when the testing process ends. Currently, access to the site is only accessible to the workplaces participating in the pilot project with the criteria.

Companies are experimentally run standards and procedures.

Since several companies have tested February 2020 standards and procedures for health-promoting workplaces in the country, we who are responsible for the project are very grateful to them for the initiative. It is clear to everyone that this has not been an easy task while dealing with the effects of covid but still exceeded expectations.

The participating companies were selected from among the applicants, and the activities, size, and location were taken into account. Efforts were made to have the most diverse companies so that the procedure could be tested in different situations. In addition to selected companies, we who are involved in developing a health-promoting workplace also participate. The companies that are piloting the project are therefore thirteen in number.

. High

. Promote

The Office of the Medical Director of Health

Reykjavík District Court

The nursing home Uppsala

Hotel Geysir



Association of Icelandic Municipalities


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration

VIRK – Vocational Rehabilitation Fund

Iðnfélagi Service Office

But what is a Health Promoting Workplace?

Yes, a health-promoting workplace is a workplace that has set itself the goal of promoting better health and well-being of employees. The workplace achieves the goal by creating a community that considers health Promoting workplaces’ criteria. The companies approach follows the pilot project; the requirements will be accessible to all companies in the country and should be achieved what makes you a good leader in the autumn of 2021.

Last year, the companies participating in the pilot project tested the project to examine how it is valid and provide feedback to address shortcomings in the criteria and implementation while implementing their health promotion. At the beginning of the experiment, the idea of ​​a Health Promoting Workplace was introduced to the staff, and steering groups were established to manage the project in each location. The steering groups’ role is to implement a Health Promoting Workplace by comparing their workplace with the criteria that characterize a Health Promoting Workplace and recording the situation. They then decide the steps that the workplace is interested in taking towards health promotion—small steps in a positive direction.

Many people think that a health-promoting workplace is about everyone going out for a run, lifting, or eating a healthy diet. Still, the criteria are much broader than that. They cover all the factors that affect our health at work. The requirements are:

Management methods.

Working methods.

Well-being at work health.

Health and outdoor life.

Alcohol and drugs.

The work environment.

  • A healthy diet.
  • The workplace environment.

The criteria reflect a holistic view of health that all companies should adopt to benefit their companies and employees. Taking care of employees’ well-being and taking care of their health during working hours will be overestimated because we spend about a third of our time at work.

Below you can access electronic presentations about what makes you a good leader in Health Promoting Workplace for further information, launched at the beginning of 2021.